Udon, Soba, and the Noodles


MFK Member
Oct 31, 2016
Just a random video of everyone since I've been slacking. Udon doesn't make a swimming appearance but you can sort of see her at the back of one shot when I zoom in. ;) She's not a big swimmer.

Note that as I am filming the polys I look over and Meatball puffer fish is in my face. LOL

Ziti the Teug hasn't slowed down on growth.... still at an inch a month. Now 9 inches.

And I'm dreaming of my upgrade... Feel free to give some fun input for me to research and make lists while I bide time. :)
Ziti is getting so big and looks a lot more mature now. Seems like he was at 6inches yesterday.

Love the face off with Macaroni and the rope at 1:08. Hehe

The pan over to meatball made me laugh. He's so curious.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Apr 5, 2017
Flint town!
Looks great! I also liked the face off was pretty funny. Meatball is sooooo cool I really want one. Ive got that 40b set up in the basement sump I think once all the barbs are grown and traded in on dither for the main display Ill really start research on getting one. Or maybe a hand full of dwarfs.
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MFK Member
Jun 4, 2016
Ziti is getting so big and looks a lot more mature now. Seems like he was at 6inches yesterday.

Love the face off with Macaroni and the rope at 1:08. Hehe

The pan over to meatball made me laugh. He's so curious.
Ziti is by far my fastest grower, though I got her the smallest but still. I am really happy that she kept her coloring as she got larger - hope it stays for life.

Looks great! I also liked the face off was pretty funny. Meatball is sooooo cool I really want one. Ive got that 40b set up in the basement sump I think once all the barbs are grown and traded in on dither for the main display Ill really start research on getting one. Or maybe a hand full of dwarfs.
Meatball is such a great fish - I would really encourage you to get a Schouetedeni for your 40. I've had a bunch of dwarf cichlids and the Bolivian Rams in particular were great and interacted with me but nothing like this guy. When I do water changes and am pruning plants or pulling things out he follows my hand around (aka FEED ME NOW HUMAN). He eats out of my fingers every day. He'll also be on the side of the tank I'm on even if I'm not doing anything with the tanks, but just nearby.

Actually, in a 40 you might be able to do a puffer and a pair/group of dwarves. The only fish mine has picked on is the polys. (of course, sigh) He'll eat right in the mix of the cories and other fish, and they'll be pushing him around and even then he doesn't nip.


MFK Member
Jun 4, 2016
Hahaha.... Schoutedeni over pea puffers any day!

You'll be able to actually see him plus you'll have more tankmate options. But of course there's a big price difference. :/


MFK Member
Jun 4, 2018
Soba swimming around as he does. Cameos by a Rope and Udon. :)
(I just threw a couple of assassin snails in the tank for my MTS snail population. Sorry for those and the reflection!)
He was just laying on the leaf, just hanging out :D:D.
Can I ask what the floating plant is you have?
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MFK Member
Jun 4, 2016
I use water lettuce. It reproduces well so you can toss out the older pieces and still keep a renewing source of it. I would have to compost some every single week at water changes so I could get some light down into the tank. ;)

I've also used brazilian pennywort in the past, but I love how the water lettuce trails the long roots down.

Avoid duckweed like the plague if you can, as it is tiny and explodes and gets everywhere. It's a huge pain in the ass.


MFK Member
Oct 31, 2016
Jungle Soba! He’s moke-alicious! How do I get him to show those colors?The current crew in my tank look more like Forrest polys opposed to jungle polys. (Macaroni is a green gold noodle which is fun.) Gonna search through this thread again for the feeding routine and more tips. I know I’ve asked plenty of times, but need to find it/ask you again and do it exactly or try something different.

Besides substrate, do you think pH and temperature affects color?
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MFK Member
Jun 4, 2016
I think the main thing outside of maybe lighting is substrate. Pretty sure that's your issue, so not sure if you want to go through the effort to change yours or not. It can be a pain but it can be done.

I don't think pH and temp matters....?

For feeding I did every other day.
- Every other feeding was 'live' aka usually frozen. I did silversides, krill, and occ. live earthworms and live blackworms. Oh, and catfish once per week or every other week the day before WC.
- Every non-live feeding was pellets - I tended to mix them up and feed at the same time... NLS, carnivore, massivore.

(I'd put algae wafers down for the plecos and occasionally Macaroni would steal one of those. LOL)
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