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    Pit Bulls

    alright i wont go on a tyraid... pitbulls=unconditional love to all the people who say otherwise **** off. i bought my first pit 2 months b4 the birth of my son they are and have been inseperable since his birth(partly because he holds onto her tail and gets dragged around the house) my second...
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    Pit Bulls

    my baby with my babies. americas favorite dog for generations now hated and demonized in the media, because of hateful/misinformed people. PUNISH THE DEED NOT THE BREED!
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    this isnt right at all!!

    a lfs near me has a kiddie pool (about 200gal) with 4! nurse sharks ranging in size from 3.5 to 4 feet. the clerk took me downstairs to show me like it was the coolest thing ever, then i asked him if he'd like it if I kept him in my spare bedroom with 3 other *******s for the rest of his life...
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    Building My 50,000 Gallon Monster Mega Tank

    i would literally sell my soul for that tank (50,000). any takers, please
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    Building a 1700 gallon Shark Tank by black tip

    simply amazing.. i dont know what else to say but amazing.
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    new 360g big bruisers comm tank

    sit back and be proud man thats an awsome tank not to mention the guys inside
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    Show Your MFK Tank Decal :)

    i dont understand, how do i get som of those decals i tried the link.... nada
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    How BIG is Your BIGGEST MONSTER.......

    thats one big boy! your tank is awsome. one day i will be there with you
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    Help To Bring Asian Aros Back To The US...

    i agree with him the best way to remove somthing from the black market is to offer a legal alternative. how f-ckin cool would it be to have asian arowana breeding on a large scale here in the u.s. HOPE and PRAY
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    discus tank n food

    i strongly recomend making some fresh beefheart once and awhile they love it, live black worms as well
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    acrylic thickness calculator

    thank you sooooooooooo helpful