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  1. K

    Id this Hitchhiker?

    Hard to say... I looked through what I have easily available research wise and couldn't find anything that fits well. I would assume some sort of worm. That said if there is no surface burrow exit I wouldn't worry about it eating anything, there are many critters that spend their entire lives...
  2. K


    Could be baby snails.
  3. K

    EBJD help.

    You might have better results if you posted this in the Fresh water disease section rather then the marine/brackish one. (This seems to be an ongoing problem with the app... as its the only time I've seen miss posted stuff in this section)...
  4. K

    Fish going blind?

    Generally eyes clouding over is a symptom of something. The most common being poor water conditions allowing for a bacteria to infect them. It's often a gram negative bacteria. Other possibilities being parasitical infections (such as ich), which again reduce immune response allowing bacteria to...
  5. K

    Can frozen food introduce a disease???

    It's possible, but I doubt it. No tank is actually disease free, they are there just generally the system is to healthy for them to be a problem though. Something may have happened to stress the fish causing the outbreak.
  6. K

    Any help is greatly appreciated. My fish has 5 white spots on him.

    I would say Lymphocystis virus, causes mini growths often on fins, gills, and mouth, harmless unless present on mouth and the growths large enough to prevent eating. Eventually clears it's self up. That said, it could indeed be a fungus, its hard to say without being there to look at the fish myself
  7. K

    tiny black spots on clownfish?

    Turbellarian likely if I had to hazard a guess.
  8. K


    There are many Stars that will eat Nems, Leather stars (Dermasterias imbricate) being a specific one. I have seen evidence of Chocolate stars eating them as well. Not sure which star this one is Red Knob? But if it is a Red Knob it is a very close relative to chocolate and could very well have...
  9. K


    Star fish are predators (for the most part) contrary to popular belief. So this doesn't surprize me in the least. The solution is very obvious as well, get rid of the star, or let it eat your nem.
  10. K

    Ich =/

    If you had the ability to set up a 50gal+ quarantine (min tank size for a dwarf lion) then I would say follow the instructions listed here, but since you have only a 6 gal available you cant really, as you'd have to quarantine all your fish in a 6 gal for...
  11. K

    Ich =/

    Ick has been done to death on this forum... I hate even looking at the threads but since no one is replying I figured I'd throw in my 2 cents none the less. First, what are your parms like? Generally Ich problems stem from issues with respect to water quality. Since you can't QT the only way to...
  12. K

    Fuzzy shznit

    fuzzy is generally fungus, also would get better info posting in the fresh water section.
  13. K

    Cloudy Eye

    Generally a symptom of ammonia/nitrite/nitrate poisoning aka bad water quality. What are your parms?
  14. K

    A few id's

    Oh and not sure about the algae... lol. Um I would just leave them in the display unless you have a lot of sand in your sump. They are small enough that they shouldn't be able to nuke your tank if your careful.
  15. K

    A few id's

    Not much you can do for the Cucumbers, they filter feed the sand by sucking it in, digesting algae/bacteria etc off the sand, then pass it in an odd tube shaped lump. Just keep an eye on them, so you can remove them if they die.
  16. K

    A few id's

    It is a mushroom coral. Cucumber, Tiger Tail, Holothuria thomasi I believe and sooner or later it will starve to death as it gets up to 2 meters long, I personally don't believe these should ever be sold (any cucumber for that matter) as they rarely last in most tanks. Snail probably some sort...
  17. K

    ID please

    Agreed, was just an absolute minimum, but in reality 6 is ok as they don't get much more then 12" long. But sand beds that deep carry risks, especially when mixed with fish (or in this case eels) that disrupt and move the sand, exposing anaerobic bacteria in the lower sand layers to oxygen can...
  18. K

    ID please

    I haven't seen a Canadian location that has them, they are also know an Garden eels, Taenioconger hassi. you also need ALOT of sand bed, like 6 inches deep minimum. and I'm not sure how well they do on pellet food, from what I hear they need live.
  19. K

    Live feeder foods?

    I regularly stocked my display with live phytoplankton (3-5 varieties depending on how fast my cultures regrew) live zooplankton (depending on my culturing tanks and availability, 4-6 varieties both bottom dwellers and ones that stay in the water column), live Amphipods, 1-3 types (not sure...
  20. K

    What kind of live rock is this?

    Now barnacle has been said I tend to agree, looks like the right feeder tendrils for one, didn't even think of them as not many people have them survive "curing" and what not.