
Angel D

Feeder Fish
Sep 3, 2015
I'm hoping for someone can help. We have a 2 to 3 year old Green Mouth Terror. He is the only fish in the 55 gallon tank besides the pleco. He is bloated and not eating well. This is has been several WEEKS.

Our A/C went out at the being of August at the same time there was heat warnings here, Houston. The tank water may have gotten between 85-90 as the other tank got to 87 & it's in the same room.

We have done several water changes. We have treated with Metro., Tetracycline, Salt (for Saltwater), changed filters, removed almost everything from the tank. Cleaned the rocks. There's still medication in the water currently that is tinting the water red. Which is in the pictures I am attaching. There were worms in the gravel at one point. I am guessing from the food. I changed from basic pellets to National Geographic Cichild Pellets for a more natural food. He won't touch the peas. I am at a loss of what to try or what is wrong with him. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

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Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
Bloat like symptoms can be caused by a number of factors, but if I was to guess I might consider that this is now a bacterial issue. The current condition looks to be dropsy like. Best to start with some large water changes to remove the current meds, perhaps even run carbon over night. Then I would start with something like Kanamycin (Seachem Kanaplex) - follow their directions. This med works best if you have hard water. If you have soft water someone like Aquanero would probably know what might work better. Good luck.


Global Moderator
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Global Moderator
MFK Member
Feb 16, 2009
New Jersey
Wow that fish is in bad shape. I don't know it can be saved but if you want to try heres what needs to be done.

Get a five gallon bucket, fill it with tank water. Use Methylene blue and Kanamycin (Kanaplex) at double dosage (ie a ten gallon dose) to this add a quarter teaspoon of epsom salt and two tea spoons of aquarium salt (regular sodium chloride) no other type of salt. Bath the fish for 30 mins. While the fish is in the bath do a 50% water change and gravel vacuuming, it is of paramount importance to keep the tank water clean during treatment. The bath can be done twice a day, only change the tank water once a day. Follow these instructions and it will have a chance. Don't treat the tank just do the bath.

If you do this please let us know how it turns out.