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  1. B

    Breeding Mystery Snails....a few questions Here's a link with some good photos on sexing your snails also.
  2. B

    Breeding Mystery Snails....a few questions

    the easiest way to tell is to watch when they're mating, because the male will always be on top. You can confirm that the top one is male, because you can see them doing their thing, the 'male part' will be white and almost looks like their siphon, except is on the right side of the body. Its a...
  3. B

    Breeding Mystery Snails....a few questions

    How long after a mating will a female mystery snail lay her eggs? I know they can stay fertile for months, as I have done some research, but in optimum conditions, what would you say? Also, do snails mate for pleasure? Because my male gold snail probably does it at least five times a day. But...
  4. B

    Snail Pics ...please

    Its a blue mystery snail. He's eating an algae wafer. He's my favorite. I also have a gold one just like it. Im trying to breed them to start selling them.