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  1. Cyberman

    My festae

    Yeah a good camera works wonders but ca still see your's have come on very well and the colours are really popping now
  2. Cyberman

    My festae

    Here's the Wild Caught mother and father of your pair... so a great blood line :)
  3. Cyberman

    My festae

    Looking great.... here's one of their sisters I kept
  4. Cyberman

    (((New))) F1 A. LABIATUS Red Devil pair.

    UPDATE - He had babies They're now about 2 inches long He got bigger and grew a hump...
  5. Cyberman

    (((New))) F1 A. LABIATUS Red Devil pair.

    As a species (not Breed) it looks like Amphilophus Citrinellas the MIDAS Cichlid - which has the rounder blunter mouth. However if you haven't been told what species it is it could well be a "Midevil"
  6. Cyberman

    Neetroplus nematopus experiences

    His Brother Klytus
  7. Cyberman

    My TRUE Green Terrors

    Thought I'd share an update on my latest True GREEN TERRORS
  8. Cyberman

    Neetroplus nematopus experiences

    My massive 6" male Neets bossing an Istlanum pair....
  9. Cyberman

    My (F1) Labiatus looking quite a beast now!!

    He's just hit 2 years old and now look at him!
  10. Cyberman

    My "NEW" (M) Texas Cichlid

    Just been getting this little H. Carpintis (M)... He's about 2.5" long so a lot of growing to do but already happy with the colours.
  11. Cyberman

    MY Juvenile (F) RED TERROR

    Latest update on the girl... she's now about 6" long
  12. Cyberman

    New Festae

    Might be a female... they have spangles at an earlier age which later fade... the early tell tail signs are a dark area in the dorsal fin the the bars aren't showing... Below the same fish younger and then getting sexual mature
  13. Cyberman

    Festae growth progression thread

    Nice female... This is one of my girls I raised from an egg.... shows the progress