FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT... can anyone here read german?!

bOOsteN aUdI

MFK Member
Apr 1, 2005
East Coast
good news :) those anyone know how to add pictures between type?

bOOsteN aUdI

MFK Member
Apr 1, 2005
East Coast
Kammbuntbar are largebecoming elongated Fischfresser from South America. They can be differentiated and possessed by all other Buntbar by their recessing with respect to the dorsal fin a low-split muzzle. Depending upon kind overall lengths between 50 and 120 cm can be achieved. Kammbuntbar are often imported in a size of 4 cm. They eat then immediately living white mosquito larvae. One can do it in the subsequent days besides problem-free also on frozen red mosquito larvae umgewoehnen. Saltworks cancers also attained full growth are suitable in the best way for the nutrition. The growth of the animals leaves to be desired in this phase nevertheless rather.
With a size of approx.. 8 cm eat the fish cut up Stinte already frozen. Starting from this phase the small Cichla grows up rapidly and masters problem-free in 10 cm size two to three whole Stinte. These fodder places now their main fodder must remain for a long period. Contrary to the Hechtbuntbar kind Crenicichla exclusive feeding of Stinten does not affect negatively the development Kammbuntbar. While Hechtbuntbar have the slope usually already after one year of excessive feeding of Stinten to the "measurer back" and complete greasing with Glotzaugen, no such developments are well-known with Cichla. Starting from an overall length of over 30 cm eats Kammbuntbar already times 30 to 40 Stinte with a meal. For sea water fish, about, I could prove so far no large acceptance to sea-salmon. The meanwhile often available Tilapia-Filets is there already clearly better accepted. But that is matter of taste of the fish, because the salzgehalt of lake, - and suesswasserfischen is almost identical. I favor however always whole fish opposite filets, because vorfermentierte stomach contents of the fodder animals can be important for food addition Kammbuntbar.
Filtering and water changes of the aquarium must be adapted to the immense fodder quantities, otherwise it can come fast to critical water equivalents. Already nitrite values over 1 mg/litre can be problematic. Since Kammbuntbar are extremely oxygen needy, it is advisable for security of installing several Durchlueftersteine parallel to the filtering.
Kammbuntbar cannot out-bite pieces from their booty, but them only in the whole, the head as in front as possible, down-swallow. If they get a booty fish unfortunately once the wrong way round, then the booty is turned by strong vibrating of the head in the muzzle. Here they spread the kiemendeckel extremely far. If it should not be possible to turn the booty then it is again expenditure-choked, even if that lasts two days long. Since the muzzle reminds however rather of a barn gate, this occurs rather rarely.
Once already relatively large Kammbuntbar should be imported, then one can accustom it almost exclusively at frost fodder (Stinte), by always giving with each feeding with living fish a certain quantity of thawed out Stinte also to the aquarium.
There is not a pronounced Sexualdimorphismus my judgement with Kammbuntbar. Males grow somewhat faster and show stronger colors, them exceed the females also in the overall length. The males Kammbuntbar get extreme front embossments during the Balz. These can be completely regressed however within a daily. Kammbuntbar are open breeders with enormous Eizahlen per clutch of eggs. Numbers of items over 2000 eggs are not rarity.
With Kammbuntbar some specific problems arise, which does not admit from other Cichliden is. Starting from a size of approx.. 35 cm are Cichlakinds in the case of transport and with the shifting into other aquariums extremely stress-susceptibly. This expresses itself in a schaukelbewegung along the longitudinal axis of the animal. This swings can continue to increase, until the fish finally full-leads turns. In the final stage it dies upward with the ventral side without effect by other fish. Swings of the animals does not have however to death to inevitably always lead. Very badly Kammbuntbar to the medicine active substance Malachitgruenoxalat reacts. If the dose should have been too high, then the animals shoot frightful by the basin and against the disks. They end usually within less than ten minutes. At least a manufacturer uses the name Tetramethyl-4,4-diamino-triphenyl-carbinol for the group of active substances, on which with the purchase by medicines must be respected. In each case the dosage instruction of the respective manufacturer should be read and kept most thoroughly before. There some Aquarianer their animals with "fodder fish" of doubtful quality nourish, are the exciter Ichthyophthirius (Weipuenktchenkrankheit) a often-seen guest in the k-basin. Since one can use the only effective active substance specified above only conditionally, one should kill the exciter with a heat cure. For this the aquarium must exhibit at least five days long a temperature of at least 33.C. This should become equivalent as a precaution along also with the dimensioning of the aquarium heater. If Cichla want to kill other fish, then they do by a purposeful ramming impact into the flanks of the victim. They hurt the outside crude swimming blister skin (it fixes the swimming blister in its situation) in such a manner strongly that the swimming blister in the entire rear body region expands. The fish concerned cannot compensate this unusual lift and ended. I experienced however in my 17-jaehrigen experience withCichla kinds only four times.
The Cichlakinds was confounded in the aquaristischen literature like those hardly another fish kind. Thus C was nearly always presented orinocensis in old sources as C ocellaris. Also under the pictures called with C temensis often hide themselves member of the kind C. FR. "Amazon". These false estimates often occurred with hand photographs or photos of the catch in fischerbooten. Everyone these for the consumption catches fish shows only one snapshot of its development in form and colour. However kinds, which look similar in the youth stage, can go through completely different developments of their Habitus. Only the few Aquarianer have at all the place possibilities, in order successfully to maintain this true Grosscichliden during a long period. Thus important phases in the development of Kammbuntbar will escape them, which can decide on kind affiliation. The animals change completely their design samples, and that is my judgement the principal reason for many false regulations.
For clarifying a kind affiliation, one can proceed however unfortunately also not zoo-geographically. Because the wide-spread kind C monoculus settles the entire Amazon area, in which it lives in each case with a furtherCichla kind syntop. Thus one must naturally define only once C monoculus clearly, in order to be able to work zoo-geographically. Only the river basin of the Orinoco, in which C was so far not proven monoculus, is scientifically well worked on. Here the three kinds C live intermedia, C orinocensis and C temensis. In Guyana and French Guayana gives it to C monoculus and C ocellaris. The Guyana discovery site of C monoculus is to be explained probably due to from suspended animals to, because this is the only well-known common occurrence of the two closely used kinds. In French Guayana only C lives ocellaris and in the east only C monoculus in the west. In Surinam settles excluding C ocellaris. In Peru one finds innumerable color forms of C monoculus and a kind from the upper run of the Rio Nanay, which resembles astonishing C ocellaris, however is so far the original circulation area that it must concern a new blank kind. In Bolivia likewise C lives monoculus and only recently a kind with four bars and patchworks, discovered by STAECK. In Brazil there is a multiplicity of blank new kinds. In the main river of the Amazon up to the first currentfast of the tributaries in each case C lives monoculus syntop with C. FR. "Amazon". for me the kind of sister to C temensis and therefore also often with it confounds.
Behind the currentfast it gives in each case within the separated endemic range of the rivers to two blank kinds, depending upon size and structure of the river. Thus further kinds come from the Rio Araguaia/Tocantins (C. FR. "Araguaia/Tocantins), Rio Xingu (C. FR. "Xingu 1" and "Xingu 2"), Rio Tapajos (C. FR. "Tapajos") and Rio Trombetas (C. FR. "Trombetas") in addition. It is very probable that there are further kinds from the other rivers with well-known endemic ranges above that heavily to overcoming currentfast.
During the following description of the kinds I concentrated on the dark design samples of the body sides and the kiemendeckel in living person colouring of adults of fish. Some bright point designs are to be seen only with Halbwuechsigen and are not specific. Brightly set in black markings seem general to remain also in the age, the not setting in often step into the background.

Cichla intermedia MACHADO ALLISON, 1971
It concerns a smalllasting kind with an overall length from probably 50 to 60 cm. It shows a longitudinal strip, which is partly interrupted as a young fish. Within the tail root range the strip steps out more clearly. Later form along this longitudinal line six to sieved short thin transverse binding, which reach neither dorsal fin nor belly. With semiadulten animals forms at short notice a Glanztuepfelung in the rear body region, which disappears however fast again. The then still grey-green grundfaerbung is converted gradually to yellow. The animals point a fine black mark row of the eye to the kiemendeckel.

Cichla monoculus AGASSIZ, 1831
The kind is most variable due to their enormous circulation area. It occurs from the upper run of the Amazon in Peru up to the delta in Brazil. Even in Peru there are many clearly distinguishable populations. After the literature C is monoculus one of the medium sized kinds with a final size of 80 cm. Due to the enormous variability it is heavy to give a description of this kind. Common it is however all young animals that they exhibit three bars or marks and within the range of the tail root a horizontal strip possess. With Halbwuechsigen and adults three black bars and several large black marks show up in the belly range on yellowish underground in the back range. The unpaaren fins can accept an intensively red colouring. The kind points any black design elements to no development phase in the head area.
Depending upon discovery site the animals can get a pronounced bead sample within the back range or even distributed over the entire body. For approximately two years this kind increases regularly in aquariums, whereby the first breed animals were Teichnachzuchten made of Malaysia. SUGAR reported to me that the animals with a size of 40 cm began to defend a district. Other C in the basin monoculus were recognized not than enemy and were allowed to approach the clutch of eggs. Game catch animals seem to increase in the aquarium just as with difficulty as the other kinds.

Cichla ocellaris CUTTERS, 1801
The probably smallest Cichla kind is also to expecting 50 cm overall length. It seems to be very closely to C monoculus related. Also recent C ocellaris have three black transverse binding. However the horizontal strip is missing to them. In the halbwuechsigen stage a circular mark forms within the back range of the third bar. In the adult stage this mark remains and it to form itself new marks within the belly range, which resemble those from C monoculus. The grundfaerbung is likewise yellowish. The unpaaren fins are rather palely colored. The kind does not show any black design elements in the head area. The eyes of this kind are strongly red colored.

Cichla orinocensis HUMBOLDT, 1821
This kind is to become large in nature up to 90 cm and to reach a weight up to 6 kg. In the aquarium I found however still no so large copy. This kind was in the past the most frequent kind in our aquariums, however under the name C ocellaris. Young animals show first a longitudinal strip, on which two marks emphasize themselves. Later this volume and three bars fade stay. Next at least a bright Perl patchwork forms within the back range. As soon as this faded, centrically in each case circular umsaeumte marks are formed on this strips. These represent the adult colouring on yellow grundfaerbung also. The head area remains likewise permanently designless. 1990 succeeded with SUGAR three times the Ablaichen of a pair, but developed the eggs not. The animals measured 54 and 56 cm.

Cichla temensis HUMBOLDT, 1821
It concerns the largest kind with an overall length already proven of 120 cm and a total weight of 15 kg. This size can be attained in Menschenobhut naturally only in large aquariumaquarium aquariums. In my 2000-Liter-Aquarium the fish have after five years only 60 cm reached and somehow expect I hardly still length growth. A certain Verbuttungseffekt seems to thus adjust itself. There can be an intensified growth thrust therefore only after the shifting to a clearly larger aquarium.
The young animals show a sample from three bars and a longitudinal line on brown underground. Later many oblong gloss marks, which remind of the design sample of Rehkitzen, form additional bright. Then the longitudinal strip dissolves and it remains only the three bars. Only starting from a size of over 40 cm the animals lose this sample and the grundfaerbung become yellowish. There is still the three bars visible and the schwanzflosse colors itself strongly red. The kind points strong black patchworks of the eye in the head area to the rear edge of the kiemendeckels. It is maintained that only males lose the marks, but cannot I that not confirm. it is, I had so far only male copies.

Cichla FR. "Trombetas"
This form grows up extremely fast, so that I assume she becomes also very large. The largest of my three copies measured 55 cm with two years already. Young animals resemble strong those by C temensis. On brownish-grey underground a longitudinal line with three narrow pale transverse binding shows up. The body is more finely getuepfelt than with C temensis and the Tuepfel is circular. A binding can with certain excitation conditions even to three points reduce. The older the animals become, the more lose themselves Tuepfel and binding. Three irregular large marks, which are however on one level, remain. Longest still oaths the upper fragments the first two transverse binding are visible. The head area is similarly C temensis drawn. The basic clay/tone changed itself with my animals meanwhile in gold yellow. Whether that is already the final colouring, I am not able to say yet.

Cichla FR. "Xingu I"
This remaining relatively small kind shows a longitudinal volume, which is gesaeumt of small bright gloss marks above and below as a young fish. This longitudinal volume, which begins on the height of the dorsal fin beginning, ends in the large tail root mark. Already five narrow bars suggest themselves, which go through from the dorsal fin basis into the belly range. Between them run short in each case transverse binding, which end within the back range. Later only three transverse binding up to the belly run, between which in each case two short within the back range end. The kind possesses a bright Tuepfelung over the body. The kiemendeckel remains left blank of it. The kind can at the same time show both the longitudinal volume and the transverse binding or also two. Although it is common already several years in the Aquaristik, I saw still no animal over 50 cm overall length. The kind seems to increase relatively easily in the aquarium. However females tried males with C monoculus in each case abzulaichen withthree Aquarianern.

Cichla FR. "Xingu II"
This kind resembles the previous one much, the Tuepfelung is however evenly distributed and with semiadulten animals also on the kiemendeckel available. This loses itself however at the age. With this form only three broader transverse binding are present. Three points mostly show themselves by the interfaces from lengthwise, - and transverse volumes. If the longitudinal strip dissolves, only the three transverse volumes remain rudimentarily in the back range visible. The basic clay/tone is rather light brown. There the animals faster than C of the same age. FR. "Xingu I" grew, expect I a larger final length.

Cichla FR. "Araguaia/Tocantins"
This also as "blue Cichla" designated representatives of the kind becomes relatively large with 80 cm. Young fish show five bars, about which three are very strongly pronounced. The strips between them fade ever more and approach later downward pointedly. They do not reach then no more the belly range. With Semiadulten a bright Tuepfelung shows up in the rear body region. This disappears however with increasing age. It disappears likewise the rough mark design in head area, existing with boys and Halbwuechsigen. With well-being the animals can show a bluish basic clay/tone, however they are mostly rather grey-yellow colored.

Cichla FR. "Tapajos"
A similar design sample has as C temensis , butforms in place of three transverse binding, three large marks as a young fish, which run upward vertically toward dorsal fin end. To fading gloss marks point themselves now rudimentarily three transverse binding, which run by the three marks. After the loss all gloss marks discolours the basic clay/tone of this kind of the greenish to the bright yellow. The third mark is in the same place as from C ocellaris. Altogether the kind resembles very, particularly however in the head design, C. FR. "Amazon".

Cichla FR. "larva Irish Republican Army"
This kind possesses four transverse binding, which become ever narrower from the back to the belly range and the form of wedges to thus have. The strips reach not completely up to the belly region. The form carries however no further marks within the belly range as for example C monoculus, with which it occurs sympatrisch. With adulten animals a bright Tuepfelung points itself over the entire body, also remarkably to the black strip. On the kiemendeckel are if necessary some few small points.

Cichla FR. "Amazon"
This kind was mostly confounded so far with C temensis. As Halbwuechsige the animals are to be distinguished only heavily from C temensis. When adults show it three spread, brightly set in nierenfoermige transverse binding. The basic clay/tone in the Xingú introduction is rather yellowish, in the Tapajos introduction rather whitish. In the head area a fine point row from the eye pulls itself to the rear Kiemendeckelrand. I cannot supply the description of the young fish colouring, since the kind, if one imported at all, only very rarely. All photos, which I had seen from this kind, showed animals of at least 25 cm size. The form seems to become very large however. The largest photographed copies on fish markets nevertheless measured 80 cm.

Cichla FR. "two-mark"
This Cichlakind stands out by its two marks against all other kinds. Although C shows orinocensis also only two marks at short notice on a longitudinal volume, the marks lie with C. FR. "point of two" more closely together. Also with 30 cm size are present only two marks. The grundfaerbung of the animals is yellowish. Unfortunately an exact discovery site of these is by an importer to Europe arrived fish so far does not admit become.

Cichla FR. "Nanay"
This kind reminded strongly of C ocellaris, it is characterised by two transverse binding and a mark at the body on height of the dorsal fin end. The eyes are also as colored with C ocellaris strongly red, which differentiates them additionally from sympatrisch living Cmonoculus form.
Since I am already occupied for 17 years with Kammbuntbar, it was possible for me to write this article in this form. Since 1998 are it forbidden implementing Cichla from Brazil. Some kinds may not be imported thus no more. Since this applies also at least to Venezuela, one should undertake breed attempts, if one is in the possession one of these fascinating robbers.

EVERS, HG (2002): Nature protection with and for the human being. Aquaristik specialized magazine 34 (163), 50-56.
KEITH, P., LE BAIL, P.Y.& P PLANQUETTE (2000):Atlas poissons d.eau douce de Guyane.. Tome 2, fasc.I., Paris
MORE KULLANDER, S.O.(1986):Cichlid of fishes OF the Amazon of river drainage OF Peru. Stockholm
MORE KULLANDER, S.O.& H.NJISSEN(1989)The cichlids OF Surinam.Teleostei: Labroidei.. Suffer, New York, Kobenhagen, Cologne
STAECK, W. (2004): Tucunares. The largest South American Buntbarsche.. Aquaristik current 12 (3), 72-76
STAECK, W. (2004): Cichla spp. A blank Tucunaré from Beni (Bolivia). . Datz 57(11), 24-25
STAWIKOWSKI, R. & U.WERNER (2004) the Buntbar Americas. Volume 3.. Stuttgart
TER OF HOEFTE, B.B. & P.AREND (2005): Healthy like the fish in the water? . Berlin Velten

sorry guys i dont know how to put the pics between words so you will have to refure back to site....if a mod wants to help that would be great ;) enjoy the read everyone

bOOsteN aUdI

MFK Member
Apr 1, 2005
East Coast
i feel a bit stupider after reading this lol nothing i already didnt know ;) pics though


MFK Member
Aug 8, 2007
i can read german, but you already did all the work :)

pretty awesome!

bOOsteN aUdI

MFK Member
Apr 1, 2005
East Coast
lol thats why i said it made me feel stupider lol even after i translated it .. it was still a hard read.. i was hoping to learn somethings but lol


MFK Member
May 31, 2006
South East
That big tapajos tem looks JUST like Chad's from AP... for obvious reasons. I hope farmy tems look like that adult one. It's sweet.