cyclying/millenium 3000


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 26, 2008
I bought a 75g yesterday and i filled it up with probably 95% tap and then i used water from Turtles tank, i used some gravel, rocks, and i'm using the plastic plants. The water has become a little cloudy but is starting to subside. I put a minnow from the bait store in to the tank to see the minnow as a meter. I put my ACF in there and i would like to keep him in there, but this'll be my south american tank, if i keep a lot of hiding place for him can i keep him in there he seems happy, I have flouresant so im going to try and get some grass..... i want to add a crawfish so that all the trash on the bottom? can i use ghost shrimp? The turtle water residue is on top... I will add some aquatic grass....The filter filters at like 285 gph, is a wet/cry power filter... tommorow will be the second day it would be running, i'm probably going to get my first fish on friday... THey have a beatiful adult in my LFS but then they have babies, which fish should i get? The adult or the baby? I have the correct lighting. etc... Help me!