10 gallon Saltwater


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 3, 2009
http://www.fosterandsmithaquatics.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3578+3579+3584+18381&pcatid=18381 Filter

http://www.fosterandsmithaquatics.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3578+3733+9654+13733&pcatid=13733 Light

These are the two basic things I will be using. I need to know a suitable heater from the foster and smith site. I have the sand already and will get 10 pounds of live rock when I have everything else

This will be a reef tank with Candy Cane Coral, Open Brain Coral, Zooanthids, Mushrooms, and maybe Hammer Coral or Frogspawn

Fish: a pair of Neon Cleaner Gobies (ORA Yellow-Line Goby http://www.orafarm.com/gobies.html :Scroll Down to find it: You can sometimes find these on the Divers Den of Liveaquaria.com) and maybe an Ocellaris Clownfish

Invertebrates: Group of Sexy Anemone Shrimp, 1 zebra hermit crab, 10 cerith snails, 10 Nassarius Snails, Dwarf Feather Duster, and maybe a Flame Scallop

Does this all sound like a good setup? It will be sometime before I get enough money accumulated to pay for this all.



Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 14, 2009
I dont think that small a tank is suitable for a flame scallop its rather difficult to get them the nutrition they require, even more so in such a small system.

Also I dont know how you plan to fit all those corals in there haha, 10gal is rather small and the corals can get rather big, but its doable if you keep their size in check.

This tank is to small for a clown, minium 20gal prefferably 30gal.

The neons would be fine in something like this though.

I would say drop the hermit, as hermits cause to many problems, they will eat what they can grab (algea, detritus, or corals doesnt matter), and if it gets big enough it mite even try to take your gobies (unlikely but possible).


MFK Member
Jan 7, 2006
Central Wisconsin
djm5222;4027947; said:
http://www.fosterandsmithaquatics.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3578+3579+3584+18381&pcatid=18381 Filter

http://www.fosterandsmithaquatics.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3578+3733+9654+13733&pcatid=13733 Light

These are the two basic things I will be using. I need to know a suitable heater from the foster and smith site. I have the sand already and will get 10 pounds of live rock when I have everything else

This will be a reef tank with Candy Cane Coral, Open Brain Coral, Zooanthids, Mushrooms, and maybe Hammer Coral or Frogspawn

Fish: a pair of Neon Cleaner Gobies (ORA Yellow-Line Goby http://www.orafarm.com/gobies.html :Scroll Down to find it: You can sometimes find these on the Divers Den of Liveaquaria.com) and maybe an Ocellaris Clownfish

Invertebrates: Group of Sexy Anemone Shrimp, 1 zebra hermit crab, 10 cerith snails, 10 Nassarius Snails, Dwarf Feather Duster, and maybe a Flame Scallop

Does this all sound like a good setup? It will be sometime before I get enough money accumulated to pay for this all.
Love ten gallons.

Couple things that IM worried about.

Your brain coral is going to sting the **** out of everything when it gets a little bigger in your 10g.

You have a TON of snails for a ten gallon tank. My 75g has no algae, and i have 3 turbos, and 5 blueleg hermits.

For heaters I like the jaeger. Its really precise, and they last a long time...fosters has the cheapest heaters, so good choice.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 3, 2009
Kevin8888;4028740; said:
I dont think that small a tank is suitable for a flame scallop its rather difficult to get them the nutrition they require, even more so in such a small system.

Also I dont know how you plan to fit all those corals in there haha, 10gal is rather small and the corals can get rather big, but its doable if you keep their size in check.

This tank is to small for a clown, minium 20gal prefferably 30gal.

The neons would be fine in something like this though.

I would say drop the hermit, as hermits cause to many problems, they will eat what they can grab (algea, detritus, or corals doesnt matter), and if it gets big enough it mite even try to take your gobies (unlikely but possible).
Okay I will get rid of the Clown idea. I have also been looking into a Threadfin or Banggai Cardinalfish http://www.bluezooaquatics.com/productlist.asp?did=1&cid=27 And I was thinking the exact same thing about the hermit crab as well. I know that they are opportunistic feeders and I don't want to have any potential problems when I start this tank.

FLESHY;4030130; said:
Love ten gallons.

Couple things that IM worried about.

Your brain coral is going to sting the **** out of everything when it gets a little bigger in your 10g.

You have a TON of snails for a ten gallon tank. My 75g has no algae, and i have 3 turbos, and 5 blueleg hermits.

For heaters I like the jaeger. Its really precise, and they last a long time...fosters has the cheapest heaters, so good choice.
I will probably not get a brain coral then since I, again, don't want any potential problems. and I think you're right about the snails (They will just add more stuff to my bioload) I will probably cut the amount of snails in half

Thanks for both of your inputs


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 14, 2009
I'm not 100% about Cardinals being ok in 10gals, but it should be ok... if the biofiltration can keep up (which it should if you introduce your fish slowly).

I would say half the snails is a good plan.

The hermits aren't bad when they are little, but once they start to grow, they will decide that your snale shells look good to live in, so they will remove (eat) the current occupant of the shell. That and when they get bigger algea doesnt seem as tasty any more so they pick at corals (who wouldn't? I would preffer something meaty to some green/brown slime haha).


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 3, 2009
Kevin8888;4030936; said:
I'm not 100% about Cardinals being ok in 10gals, but it should be ok... if the biofiltration can keep up (which it should if you introduce your fish slowly).

I would say half the snails is a good plan.

The hermits aren't bad when they are little, but once they start to grow, they will decide that your snale shells look good to live in, so they will remove (eat) the current occupant of the shell. That and when they get bigger algea doesnt seem as tasty any more so they pick at corals (who wouldn't? I would preffer something meaty to some green/brown slime haha).
I have read taht online about the hermits and snail shells.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Mar 12, 2009
No cardinals in 30gal+


MFK Member
Aug 15, 2009
try clown gobies they are colorful and small enough for your ten


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 14, 2009
fishy12;4031124; said:
No cardinals in 30gal+
sikoko;4031512; said:
try clown gobies they are colorful and small enough for your ten
I have found conflicting info about the Banggai Cardinals, but the most consistant is 15 gal min, so I would say they should be ok in the 10.

As for the threadfin cardinals, no idea, I know absolutely nothing about those. Just did a quick search through my usual sources and threadfin cardinals max out at 2.5" but at the same time are recomended for 20gal tanks, so they mite be ok in the 10 but no garentee.


MFK Member
Aug 15, 2009
o i meant threadfin lookdowns sorry