True Mini Marble


Casper... the not so friendly ghost
MFK Member
Jul 12, 2005
Totowa, NJ
Came across this guy over the weekend and instantly became a believer in these mini marbles. His disk was no bigger than 8" and claspers fully rolled. He's fresh out of South America so spare me the "raised in too small of a tank" nonsense ;) .





DB junkie

Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2007
"You think just cause the claspers are unrolled that it's done growing?"


Congrats on becoming a believer, we welcome you to the side of the fence that throws middle fingers at the non believers...... :)

Karl K

MFK Member
Feb 10, 2014
I like to think of my self as a believer too. Not because i've ever seen one, but i've seen enough "evidence" to convince me. DB Junkie has some, and what is hes name.. Aquaman i think, has some. Then Theres some other owners, and Theres posts like that one.. But what im wondering is, are these Guys just minis, like Theres sometimes small people, or are they midgets? Like a midget gene or something?

DB junkie

Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2007
Not sure yet as to whether or not it's a trait that's passed on or not.....

What I can tell you is that this girl was born 4 years ago. Her dad was 9-10". Her mom was 17-18" She's 9-10" and is potentially expecting.

I also have 2 other CB females here that were from the same litter, mom was a monster - close to 2'. Dad was a cb male that unrolled at 8". One of the females is quite a bit smaller then the other, she could be a midget, but given she's already pushing a foot I'm going to say neither are midgets, as both were about the size of the girl pictured at just a few years old.......


Karl K

MFK Member
Feb 10, 2014
Not sure yet as to whether or not it's a trait that's passed on or not.....

What I can tell you is that this girl was born 4 years ago. Her dad was 9-10". Her mom was 17-18" She's 9-10" and is potentially expecting.

I also have 2 other CB females here that were from the same litter, mom was a monster - close to 2'. Dad was a cb male that unrolled at 8". One of the females is quite a bit smaller then the other, she could be a midget, but given she's already pushing a foot I'm going to say neither are midgets, as both were about the size of the girl pictured at just a few years old.......
Is that all your minis or just showing me a litter? Between a mini/midget and a large female, to show me how they turned out? May have asked this before but what is your.largest mini/midget? And what's the smallest? Must be larry

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DB junkie

Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2007
I have 5 midgets for sure, several potential ones........

Just sharing my experience as far as breeding, one got dad's genes and stayed a midget, while 2 others had a midget dad, yet are getting big like their momma (these are 2 different litters). All I'm saying is it's way unpredictable. I'm hoping pure midgets are on the way, but even then I'd never guarantee they'd stay small.

Hopefully I know more soon, as it seems Larry's been on a role lately, as he's already shredded all my small females and is now working on the big girls.

Smallest midget is likely the other male (not Larry) at 8-9" I've had him long enough to consider him done growing (almost 5 years). Larry seems to still be putting on size. Female I'd say 11" she's been here almost 5 years as well, and she's the biggest "midget" just cause if they get bigger then her I don't really consider them midgets.

DB junkie

Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2007
I have 5 midgets for sure, several potential ones........

Just sharing my experience as far as breeding, one got dad's genes and stayed a midget, while 2 others had a midget dad, yet are getting big like their momma (these are 2 different litters). All I'm saying is it's way unpredictable. I'm hoping pure midgets are on the way, but even then I'd never guarantee they'd stay small.

Hopefully I know more soon, as it seems Larry's been on a role lately, as he's already shredded all my small females and is now working on the big girls.

Smallest midget is likely the other male (not Larry) at 8-9" I've had him long enough to consider him done growing (almost 5 years). Larry seems to still be putting on size. Female I'd say 11" she's been here almost 5 years as well, and she's the biggest "midget" just cause if they get bigger then her I don't really consider them midgets.


Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 19, 2005
London UK
I think you get small rays of every breed

I have a 9" male p14 with fully rolled claspers does that make him a mini p14 or just a smaller one

A few years back we saw lots of very small retics with fully rolled claspers at 6"

I respect that some find it amazing that some stay smaller than others

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