heater question


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 16, 2014
Mississauga Ontario
We noticed the temperature in the water getting too hot. My bf and I live in an apartment and the heat in the place is controlled by only the people who live above us. We can get a little warm in here because of them.
So we turned the heater in the tank down by one, then two, but it keeps rising. Is it rising because heats increasing and we need to turn it down again? Or is it increasing because a heater has no clue how hot the water already is, and will cool down the water eventually once at its temperature point?
Does anyone else know how to deal with our environment going cold and hot and affecting the fish while away at work etc?
I have guppies, rubber lip pleco, clown loaches in 75 g. It keeps rising to 84f We wanted 78f.
thanks all

I C Mud

MFK Member
Feb 16, 2014
Is the heater actually going on? It may just be that your place is too warm. Check for the light on the heater, if it does not go on then the water is warm from the environment, if it does go on...time to get a new heater. Once you establish this and know one way or the other, set your heater and leave it. This will prevent the water from becoming cold if the heat decreases. It would be a terrible thing to lose fish from extreme temp fluctuations. Happy fishkeeping


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 16, 2014
Mississauga Ontario
The heater is lit up. It shouldn't be so hot in the room that the temperature raised on its own. I'm worried the heater is defective, but we did turn it off and on about 8 hours ago in order to turn it down more..but still rising. We both have to work now, so i am worried how high it will go.


MFK Moderators
Staff member
MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
Sounds like the heater thermostat is malfunctioning (a very common problem).
Unplug it, temp in the tank stabilizes, throw the old heater away, it will cook your fish.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 16, 2014
Mississauga Ontario
It may be malfunctioning. We turned it off for a while and are trying again. However, I notice one clown loach has one white spot on one side and two on the other as smaller than salt..Almost not noticeable at all. Maybe I should increase the temperature if this is ich and kill it. And add some air -we have an air pump we could add in..but I'm not sure how the guppies and rubber lipped pleco would take to this. We also keep getting fry. Don't want to fry those ...(no pun intented). We caught as many of the first batch as possible. This is after buying females in a tank with only females lol. The next day (today) we have fry.