Baby Arowana with a new owner


Feeder Fish
Apr 9, 2014
Atlanta GA
Hello to everyone!! Long time reader of these boards first time poster.

SO my story condensed. Always wanted a monster tank. Recently our purchased a new house that allows for such tank. Secondly always wanted an Arowana. Nothing fancy just a plan silver one. Picked up a 125 gallon long tank and had it up and running in the house for a few months. Everything is going great. Set up as a community tank with a bunch of smaller random things. Now at LFS and I see 3 baby arowanas. Ask the lady how much are those. She says what the silver catfish, $3.99. So I think "hell yes". She apparently knew nothing and at least did not know what the fish was. So I got a baby (and I mean baby he is tiny) silver arowana. Get home throw it in the 125 and notice he won't eat.

I thoguth maybe ue be he could not find food. Set up a 10gallon tank just for him. Bare bottom only a piece of driftwood. And put him in. Put in two pinhead crickets. Picked at them but nothing. Same with flake and pellet. Ideas? Should I leave him in the 10gallon for now? Can I add anything to it to grab the food he's letting hit the bottom? Any help thanks in advance

before you say it. I am well aware he will be to large for the 125. And eat everything in it. It was going to be a predator tank anyway. Just happened a little sooner then I thought. I have plans for a large custom tank made from wood in the works.


MFK Member
Apr 9, 2012
Massachusetts, USA
Tough to keep the water params consistant in a 10gal..I'd get him out of that tank and something else like a 30 to 40 is gd. Your big tank is much better than the 10gal if that's all you got. The water quality will be much better in there for him. Just make sure nothing is bothering him in there. Try blackworms and throw a few right in his face to get some calories. He may be too weak right now to take anything bulkier. welcome btw


MFK Member
Sep 7, 2009
I fed my baby silver aro with freeze dried bloodworms until it got a bit larger and hardier. It still had the egg sac when I got it.