Can Praziquantel And Ich Attack Be Used At The Same Time?


MFK Member
Mar 11, 2010
Los Angeles
Hello guys,

Unfortunately, I believe I am dealing with both gill flukes, and hexamita protozoa at the same in my discus fish, unfortunately.. I could see them flash their gills, and some look somewhat skinny and darkened discolored, but the good news is that they are eating nicely, and not hiding much at all except when the lights are off and when it is really dark..

As of late, I perform about 100% water changes about every three days to help remove stubborn flukes and I retreat the tank with prazi; and also making absolute sure that the new water returning to the tank is extremely close to the tank's temp. So far, no problems with water changes. I'm currently feeding metronidazole medicated flakes to fight hexamita along with a high temp of 86F to help increase metro's effectiveness.

So I just managed to get some Ich Attack from the LFS, and I was wondering if it can be used in the tank when it has some prazi that is active currently inside? Or should I just wait until prazi becomes inactive after a few days, or do a large water change to remove any residual prazi and then dose ich attack? Hopefully ich attack and prazi can be combined.. ich attack is organic and herbal, soo it's safe, eh?? But ahh just because ich attack is organic and herbal... Maybe there will be issues with them mixing and creating toxic conditions, or maybe it will put too much strain on the fish's system..?? So I'm still a bit skeptical and unsure and I want you guys opinions.

I would appreciate any input or ideas, thanks a lot guys.


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MFK Member
Feb 16, 2009
New Jersey
The active ingredient is 5% Naphthoquinon, I see no contradictions using them together.

However a better treatment for this would be API general cure (prazi/metro combination) dose the tank as per instructions with hold one packet (10 gal treatment) add just enough water to desolve the powder and soak some pellets in it for about 5-10 mins don't let them disintagrate so depending the pellet keep an eye on it. Then dump the whole thing into the tank.


MFK Member
Mar 11, 2010
Los Angeles
Thanks, Aquanero, for your thoughts and help on this matter. Appreciate it.

Anyway, sounds good. I went ahead and dosed Ich Attack full dose.

I'll get back to you guys and let you guys know how it goes.


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MFK Member
Feb 16, 2009
New Jersey
Just an FYI neither one of the meds you are currently using will have any effect on hex.


MFK Member
Mar 11, 2010
Los Angeles
..I see. Well yeah, but I'm pretty sure the medicated metronidazole flakes will. ;) Ich attack is just to complement metro and I'd say it is pretty light on the fish's system.. it's there as a little help to fight whatever is potentially on the outside too, just in case.