One of those days...


MFK Member
Jan 31, 2009
.. requiring me to post in a subforum here that I've often lurked, but never posted on. Earlier today, while walking around barefoot and putting in mounts for new window blinds, I stubbed my foot on a doorframe and just though, "Damn that really hurt." My middle child starts screaming .. evidently I've left a trail of copious amounts of blood in my wake. The pinky toe had the nail shattered it looks like. Thoroughly convinced at this point that I am diabetic given the clear lack of sensation in my feet.

Shortly after that my wife was complaining she couldnt find her S4. Well after dinner she's in her rocker and reclines and here's something... slides her hand down the side and finds her S4.... with a literally crunch in the glass. there weren't cracks. There was no spider webbing. It was literally crushed glass. Finally got it to power on and 1/6th of the top display works. Paid outright for that phone a year ago and it's not contracted so that's the only plus there.
As of this point I've sworn her off to having flip phones only for the foreseeable future.

So yes. One of those days, and I just had to vent it off before I got myself in trouble here :D