A little filtration issue.

Liz Sagara

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 13, 2011
Okay. So I have a little issue. I want to get a handle on it now so that I don't end up with a massive issue later. Tested my water today it's been 4 days since I did my last water change on the tank. I tested and there wasn't any Ammonia or Nitrite but I had High Nitrate at 80 ppm. I did a 50% water change and tested again. I have 40ppm now. Should I do another 50% water change tomorrow? Never had Nitrates build up that fast. It does mean though that my filter can handle it. What are some ways to manage it between water changes?

I'll be bumping up to 50% water changes every 4 days until I get it under control. Never had a tank that was this overstocked before so it seems I need to up my game. Any advice and tips would be GREATLY appreciated.

Tank set up:

55 gallons
2 filters for a total of 545 gph of filtration
80 degrees
12 Kenyi Cichlids between 1.5 -3 '' 2 -3 inch Bristlenosed Pleco


MFK Member
Nov 2, 2010
Liz Sagara;4953748; said:
Okay. So I have a little issue. I want to get a handle on it now so that I don't end up with a massive issue later. Tested my water today it's been 4 days since I did my last water change on the tank. I tested and there wasn't any Ammonia or Nitrite but I had High Nitrate at 80 ppm. I did a 50% water change and tested again. I have 40ppm now. Should I do another 50% water change tomorrow? Never had Nitrates build up that fast. It does mean though that my filter can handle it. What are some ways to manage it between water changes?

I'll be bumping up to 50% water changes every 4 days until I get it under control. Never had a tank that was this overstocked before so it seems I need to up my game. Any advice and tips would be GREATLY appreciated.

Tank set up:

55 gallons
2 filters for a total of 545 gph of filtration
80 degrees
12 Kenyi Cichlids between 1.5 -3 '' 2 -3 inch Bristlenosed Pleco
What kind of filters?


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jul 4, 2007
Tempe AZ
Is this a new tank or you just added some fish? If so throttle back on the feeding for a week to give the filters a chance to catch up, no big deal. The water changes are a good idea. 50% is a large water change so make sure the water is aged, no chlorine. That chlorinated water could hurt the beneficial bacteria and you will never cycle the tank. If you can go 25% every 2 days that would be less stressful for everything, fish and bacteria. Of course who has that kind of time.......


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 19, 2005
Oscar Tummy
Sounds like someone died and rotted somewhere or some food got missed. Or you're in my shoes and are about to try everything from emergent plants to deep sand beds to aid you in nitrate whack-a-mole. For the record, plants make a tiny dent. Deep sand beds for the win.

Liz Sagara

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 13, 2011
The tank was cycled and aged about 3 months but only with smaller tropical community type fish like danios and what not. The cycle held and there wasn't a mini-cycle so that's good. I'm going to feed very little tonight and then do another 50% water change tomorrow. The fish actually seem to enjoy the water changes... they play with the siphon tube and such. They really like the current created by pouring the water back in. They all come out and swim against it a little. They're a joy.

Liz Sagara

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 13, 2011
knifegill;4953881; said:
Sounds like someone died and rotted somewhere or some food got missed. Or you're in my shoes and are about to try everything from emergent plants to deep sand beds to aid you in nitrate whack-a-mole. For the record, plants make a tiny dent. Deep sand beds for the win.
Sand beds? Really? How does this help?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 16, 2010
Central Oklahoma
What kind of maintenance are you doing on your mechanical filtration? The cartridges or sponges get full of crap that will make nitrAtes climb. Swishing and squishing isn't enough. Alternate which media you do weekly. Example: If you have two filters, bang one filter's mech really well into a bucket, and one week later, do the other filter's mechanical. You'll be amazed/appalled at just all the stuff comes out of there!

I'm sorry if you have answered this already. Are you vacuuming the substrate (I am pretty sure you do, but this is another thing that will cause your nitrAtes to be high.)


MFK Member
Nov 2, 2010
Laticauda;4953965; said:
What kind of maintenance are you doing on your mechanical filtration? The cartridges or sponges get full of crap that will make nitrAtes climb. Swishing and squishing isn't enough. Alternate which media you do weekly. Example: If you have two filters, bang one filter's mech really well into a bucket, and one week later, do the other filter's mechanical. You'll be amazed/appalled at just all the stuff comes out of there!

I'm sorry if you have answered this already. Are you vacuuming the substrate (I am pretty sure you do, but this is another thing that will cause your nitrAtes to be high.)

Good recommendations.

What kind of HOB?

Also, Get MORE Filters! lol