RidX as a probiotic in your system


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MFK Member
Feb 16, 2009
New Jersey
I've been using Rid-X in my tanks bi-weekly for about a year now with no I'll effects.
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MFK Member
Apr 5, 2005
Manaus, Brasil
Has the picture of the Algae infested pond before and after?
of course it kills algae...notice the enzymes in it that are specifically designed to digest paper and plant matter?
see the comment from another user above whose driftwood etc all got soft.
That is nothing to do with the bacteria content.


MFK Member
Apr 5, 2005
Manaus, Brasil
Aside from the current dialogue. I wouldn't mind hearing an experienced opinion. Do you all think this could be beneficial when using denitrate tubes? Considering it's anaerobic bacteria?

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This is the only place in any aquarium where you would actually want anaerobic bacteria...but again...the right ones....but not bacteria man-tweaked to better consume slightly different human waste products.


MFK Member
Apr 29, 2008
Kansas City
I would like to compare the dangers of using septic tank bacteria, you pick the brand, to a TV commercial for any prescription drug. Listen to the possible side effects at the end of the ad. It is half of the ad time. Anything we add to our closed system can potentially have a side effect. That includes the food, water treatment and ................

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Bronze Tier VIP
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Sep 9, 2009
Hamer Idaho
Love it when people over think things. It's pretty simple with this product. As far as I see there is nothing harmful in it but you have to use your head. Just like most things in life there is a balance between an acceptable amount and too much. Used properly it will help break down waste in an efficient way, add too much and you will likely crash the tank. I've used it in my entire complex of systems( over 2500 gallons) at times rays were part of those, and had no ill effects at all and I've been at it for quite some time. However, you start adding the stuff at too high of a rate and ya my guess is bad stuff will happen. I've seen a decrease of waste in my tanks and filters, better water quality and clarity, and still have healthy fish. I'm not going to quit using it anytime soon.

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DB junkie

Gold Tier VIP
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Jan 27, 2007
I'm curious exactly how all you guys using this stuff KNOW it's helping? What numbers are you watching to know it's actually doing something?

You can see a decrease in waste in the filters? What is the by product from all this extra waste being broken down?

Is this not the same concept as the vodka/sugar nitrate filters which are necessary for those that would like a closed loop system with no water changes? But an unnecessary balancing act for those of us that change lots of water?


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
based on what he gave us to read, i would not use Ridx
Really? Wow, for an attorney you're easily persuaded, Miguel. :)

What about this, would you use it around your family, or anywhere near a fish tank?

Effects of Overexposure: Irritation, itching, gastrointestinal upset, possible mutagenic and reproductive effects, dermatitis, weight loss, liver impairment, convulsions, breathing difficulties.

Toxic Gases Produced: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide

Acute Health Hazard: Yes
Chronic Health Hazard: Yes
Fire Hazard: Yes

Sounds like pretty toxic scary stuff, yes? See following link for this seemingly highly toxic health hazard.


It's human nature to resist change, or fear the unknown, but please don't allow the info in an MSDS confuse the real issue, which is the lack of facts presented in this discussion by the OP.


Global Moderator
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MFK Member
Feb 16, 2009
New Jersey
The uses of pro-biotics such as these have been used by pond keepers for years this is nothing new. I don't see the issue plenty of people including myself have used and sitll use it with no ill effects. Remember we are talking about powder only not gel-packs or liquid. I have only used the powder and is all I will recomed the others are not , to my knowledge, safe for use in a fish tank.

Miguel is like Colombo he will lull you into a false sence of security and then nail you when you least expect it. Don't let him fool you. ;)
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