

MFK Member
Jul 15, 2008
Anytime my son is outside he collecting bugs, snakes, newts, whatever he can get his hands on. Well this time it was 7 or 8 tadpoles. When I used to raise these guys when I was little I really just put them in a fish tank outside, no filter, nothing, so in my opinion these little ones are living the life. All are very active as long as there's light in the room and a couple are getting there legs.

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 13, 2008
They dont need any sort of filter or heating but as they metamorphose they will need much swallower water or else they can drown. They can be fed tiny amounts of fish food. As they grow into tiny frogs or toads they will need fruit flys and spring tails


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jun 29, 2009
posting bail
they usually don't change nearly a quickly until they have a surface to climb out on, you might want to put something in there for them.


MFK Member
Jul 15, 2008
not sure of the species, but they are native to NJ whatever they are, the ones I used to catch when I was younger were much bigger. Tree frogs sound cool.

I was thinking that the leaves were a good enough surface for them to jump on they cover the water line. The water depth is only around seven inches, theres about 5" btwn the water level and the screen but I can add something else as well. I wasn't sure about the heater I do run the air conditioning at night so thats why I put an old one in, the filter will help keep the water clean and the smell to a minimum, I have it turned to keep the flow down to a minimum.

As of last night three more started on the first legs and the guy pictured above with the one leg now has two, he's the biggest and most active. Not sure if they are all from the same batch/clutch of eggs some are considerably smaller. I have given them blood worms which they seem to like.

Will make sure to update thread with growth pics. None of my fish are as active as these guys with the lights on..... unless its feeding time, so I'm enjoying them and my son is learning about the metamorporhisis process and trilled to see the progress of it daily.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 13, 2007
I use to keep pollywogs ( tadpoles ) when i was young, we collected the spawn and a month later I had a tank of 40 frogs lol took them back to the pond which i know you shouldn't do but my parents are tards :D


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 18, 2008
The South
Just be sure you have a secure lid, or your little metamorphs may go over the top and end up as froglet crispies under your fridge.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 13, 2008
meghanashley;3399385; said:
not sure of the species, but they are native to NJ whatever they are, the ones I used to catch when I was younger were much bigger. Tree frogs sound cool.

I was thinking that the leaves were a good enough surface for them to jump on they cover the water line. The water depth is only around seven inches, theres about 5" btwn the water level and the screen but I can add something else as well. I wasn't sure about the heater I do run the air conditioning at night so thats why I put an old one in, the filter will help keep the water clean and the smell to a minimum, I have it turned to keep the flow down to a minimum.

As of last night three more started on the first legs and the guy pictured above with the one leg now has two, he's the biggest and most active. Not sure if they are all from the same batch/clutch of eggs some are considerably smaller. I have given them blood worms which they seem to like.

Will make sure to update thread with growth pics. None of my fish are as active as these guys with the lights on..... unless its feeding time, so I'm enjoying them and my son is learning about the metamorporhisis process and trilled to see the progress of it daily.
It would be important to indentify them, because if they are toads they need much more then aquatic plants to avoid drowning. Frogs and tree frogs can handle it, toads dont


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 29, 2007
South Florida
GTF are great wish we had some around here. When I lived in Long Island NY we had some but rare.

Your lucky to have them. The Grays actually come in diff colors . NJ has some nice amphibians ESP salamnders.

We only have Greens and Cuban trre's in the area . This is combo of both . I "power feed" them so they sprout legs and leave already as they attract raccoons.

Power feed.JPG