
  1. xenacanth9

    Advice on Longnose Gar

    I've been working on a (coldwater/temperate) pond. I'd say that by the time I'm done digging out the width, it'll be at least 1000 gallons. Now, that brings me to my next point. I've been thinking about catching one or two Longnose Gars for it at some point in the relatively near future, because...
  2. Ansorgii

    Is this pond big enough ?

    Hello, I have a pond wich is on average 1,5m deep and has an approximate surface of 3000-4000m^2. It has a very high population of crayfish, shellfish, insects, larvae, frogs, perches, carps and many other nonpredatory fish from two to 30cm in length. I am thinking of adding a small school of...
  3. kody929

    Longnose Distichodus

    Hello everyone I recently got a beautiful 7" Distichodus lussoso for 40$ from a LFS. First day I seen some nipping but nothing much since thankfully. He is currently in a 210g with a diverse variety of fish: bichirs, South American cichlids, lei Arowana, Pleco, catfish etc. I needed some help...