Is this breeding behaviour?


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MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
If they breed now it’s highly possible it can happen again.
I have no experience in that arena outside of what I’ve read, so I’d wait for others to comment for sure.
Essentially using what I know for cichlid breeding, you can take the eggs out after fertilization, easiest if they lay on a rock or piece of driftwood, and put it into a separate holding tank. Use sponge filters to provide airflow and current, it’s possible you will need to manually keep debris from settling on the eggs by blowing it off with a turkey baster, this role is usually taken on by parents. After hatching, what you feed the adults won’t suffice. They need to be fed usually baby brine shrimp, many companies also make food designed for baby fish. They need to get some size before they can feed on large foods.
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MFK Member
Oct 5, 2021
If they breed now it’s highly possible it can happen again.
I have no experience in that arena outside of what I’ve read, so I’d wait for others to comment for sure.
Essentially using what I know for cichlid breeding, you can take the eggs out after fertilization, easiest if they lay on a rock or piece of driftwood, and put it into a separate holding tank. Use sponge filters to provide airflow and current, it’s possible you will need to manually keep debris from settling on the eggs by blowing it off with a turkey baster, this role is usually taken on by parents. After hatching, what you feed the adults won’t suffice. They need to be fed usually baby brine shrimp, many companies also make food designed for baby fish. They need to get some size before they can feed on large foods.
Thank you my friend you are very helpful as I see its very rare to happen this situation that I am having here...i think I will live some eggs and I will take the rest for another tank from tomorrow I will start the set up of this baby tank it will be very basic but I don't know the exact temperature that I have to set since I will not keep them after reaching 4cm.
We have to wait for another opinions and advices from more persons.
Thnx for your time....
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