New arowana owner


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 24, 2016
Hello! My brother actually is the new owner but I'm out to help him. He has done loads of research and has a very large aquarium waiting for when his arowana is larger. He has had a tough start which we've read babies are hard. He researched having two and it's been split reviews so decided to give it a go. Didn't seem to go so well last time. He has a silver and just picked up a beautifully colored jardini. Currently separated for the time being.

He would like advice on how to raise these up and keep them alive. He almost gave up on them but we are encouraging him along lol.

He seems to feel the fish will need separate tanks?? As he tried two young ones together and they ended up with torn fins etc so assumed they must have fought. Tank mates were angels and a goldfish, I believe.

Also we've read conflicting info about water parameters. Many people say they PREFER soft water, but does this mean if properly acclimated they will survive in hard water? Obviously the goal is to keep the fish alive and happy.

Until these guys are growing, eating and thriving they are in separate 55s. He's feeding blood worms, pellets and flakes. His newest was picked up yesterday and is still settling in. We are all aware of cycling your tanks and he has a top notch filter system.

He loves these fish and any advice would be greatly appreciated. We're trying to avoid any more loses. This last fish is still young, maybe 5-6 inches but a spunky fellow. Trying to jump out of the bag on the trip home. He cost $200 and I'm afraid of he loses this one he may give up his dream.

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MFK Member
Feb 26, 2011
New Zealand
I personally would keep them seperate when they are young, as with only two of them the chance that they fight is quite high.

Also for when they get larger Jardini have a bad reputaion in terms of being agressive, and with only one silver to spread the agression to it might not go to well for it.

As for raising them the most importaint things is to make sure it is eating something (pellets are preferable imo, but anythign is better then nothing(I also try to avoid feeding bloodworms as much as possible as they do not have much goodness in them)), and to make sure the water is as clean as possible, so that means doing a reasonable amount of water changes.

Soft water is better, but it all depends on how hard the water you are brining them to is.
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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
Hello! My brother actually is the new owner but I'm out to help him. He has done loads of research and has a very large aquarium waiting for when his arowana is larger. He has had a tough start which we've read babies are hard. He researched having two and it's been split reviews so decided to give it a go. Didn't seem to go so well last time. He has a silver and just picked up a beautifully colored jardini. Currently separated for the time being.

He would like advice on how to raise these up and keep them alive. He almost gave up on them but we are encouraging him along lol.

He seems to feel the fish will need separate tanks?? As he tried two young ones together and they ended up with torn fins etc so assumed they must have fought. Tank mates were angels and a goldfish, I believe.

Also we've read conflicting info about water parameters. Many people say they PREFER soft water, but does this mean if properly acclimated they will survive in hard water? Obviously the goal is to keep the fish alive and happy.

Until these guys are growing, eating and thriving they are in separate 55s. He's feeding blood worms, pellets and flakes. His newest was picked up yesterday and is still settling in. We are all aware of cycling your tanks and he has a top notch filter system.

He loves these fish and any advice would be greatly appreciated. We're trying to avoid any more loses. This last fish is still young, maybe 5-6 inches but a spunky fellow. Trying to jump out of the bag on the trip home. He cost $200 and I'm afraid of he loses this one he may give up his dream.

Welcome to MFK :)

Roberto G

MFK Member
Mar 12, 2008
Costa Rica
Hello! My brother actually is the new owner but I'm out to help him. He has done loads of research and has a very large aquarium waiting for when his arowana is larger. He has had a tough start which we've read babies are hard. He researched having two and it's been split reviews so decided to give it a go. Didn't seem to go so well last time. He has a silver and just picked up a beautifully colored jardini. Currently separated for the time being.

He would like advice on how to raise these up and keep them alive. He almost gave up on them but we are encouraging him along lol.

He seems to feel the fish will need separate tanks?? As he tried two young ones together and they ended up with torn fins etc so assumed they must have fought. Tank mates were angels and a goldfish, I believe.

Also we've read conflicting info about water parameters. Many people say they PREFER soft water, but does this mean if properly acclimated they will survive in hard water? Obviously the goal is to keep the fish alive and happy.

Until these guys are growing, eating and thriving they are in separate 55s. He's feeding blood worms, pellets and flakes. His newest was picked up yesterday and is still settling in. We are all aware of cycling your tanks and he has a top notch filter system.

He loves these fish and any advice would be greatly appreciated. We're trying to avoid any more loses. This last fish is still young, maybe 5-6 inches but a spunky fellow. Trying to jump out of the bag on the trip home. He cost $200 and I'm afraid of he loses this one he may give up his dream.

I too think that the silver/jardini combo isn't a good idea... Jardini arowanas are pretty cool by themselves, i would advice your brother on selling the silver arowana and get some sturdy tankmates for the jardini.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Oct 13, 2014
I too think that the silver/jardini combo isn't a good idea... Jardini arowanas are pretty cool by themselves, i would advice your brother on selling the silver arowana and get some sturdy tankmates for the jardini.
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Dee eng

Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Nov 1, 2015
Agree with all above. First and the most important thing is make sure your tank is properly cycled. If it isn't it's not gonna eat and will be more stress out. Like other stated jar or silver. Jars are a true BEAST, Silvers are more docile from my experience.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 24, 2016
His water hardness is 8.4. Is this ok or should he change that? Thanks for all the help. He said he will sell the silver and keep the other. What would good tank mates? And other tips to get him eating? He's starting to nibble. I think he's just adjusting yet. His tank is cycled, he's had it up for months.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Sep 11, 2011
Oahu, Hi.
His water hardness is 8.4. Is this ok or should he change that? Thanks for all the help. He said he will sell the silver and keep the other. What would good tank mates? And other tips to get him eating? He's starting to nibble. I think he's just adjusting yet. His tank is cycled, he's had it up for months.
Hardness is way high. Decide if you want a tank full of fish or just an aro. If you want an aro that can do tank mates. Stick with the silver. Jar's are beasts. Tankmates can be done but you need a huge tank. Well, for any aro you need a huge tank and the 55 will not last long. I feed mines pellets. I don't like to offer aro's options. Because they would rather eat almost anything other than pellets. Once I get them on pellets... That's pretty much it. Once a month I may THINK about giving them a treat... But that rarely happens. If I do... They have to fast for at least a day or more before I even offer anything else. In the past i've had aro's go on fasts for a very long time. It isn't fun.

Evz jardini

MFK Member
May 19, 2010
manchester /uk
I too think that the silver/jardini combo isn't a good idea... Jardini arowanas are pretty cool by themselves, i would advice your brother on selling the silver arowana and get some sturdy tankmates for the jardini.
Good advice , the jardini will dominate the silver and it'll end in injury or death by stress.
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