November 2008 Contest Sponsored by : Marc Weiss Companies, Inc.


Staff member
Jun 12, 2006

Marc Weiss Companies, Inc.

Marc Weiss Companies incorporated in 1994 as a Florida corporation. Our products are currently sold throughout the United States and twelve foreign countries.

The company is a family controlled organization whose main business is to manufacture and distribute water conditioning products for ornamental aquariums. All the company's water conditioning products are made from either natural or USDA certified organic materials. Our constant goal is to provide the aquarium hobbyist with the finest premium products manufactured to compliment the natural environment.

The company's overriding direction within the entire product line is to produce products that return the aquarium's water supply back to the natural environment for the inhabitants of the tank.

From 2002 through 2005 the company voluntarily submitted its product line to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for review, based upon new governmental aquarium industry contents regulations. In September of 2005 we finally received confirmation from both governmental agencies that our products and new packaging were in compliance with current and planned regulations. We are the first company to receive this accreditation.

The origins of the company, World Wide Fish Farm (USA), surrounded the importation and distribution of Discus fish from Asia. The Discus is a beautiful but difficult to keep alive animal, during transport and exhibition. The company achieved an amazing reputation for delivering the most vital and colorful Discus found in the marketplace. Our customers repeatedly asked for our secret in maintaining our Discus. Our secret was what became Recon – 50. This product reintroduced natural trace elements into our reverse osmosis (RO) water. We began supplying our customers with Recon – 50 and Marc Weiss Companies’ water conditioning product business began.

During the same time frame, Dr. Craig Jones, the company's current Chief Science Officer was developing similar products which also focused on water conditioning. The parties got together and jointly developed and produced the first "Vital" product, Coral Vital.

All of our water conditioning products originates from a core base formulation. This base is then customized with natural or organic additives for the individual goals of the products.
Marc Weiss Companies mission statement reflects our vision and purpose of our product line:
"Marc Weiss Companies's "Vital" product line is dedicated to creating an Environmental Equilibrium for the aquarium hobbyist. Marine life thrives best in its own natural environment. Our "Vital" products are designed with specific targeted purposes for each product. The goal being to return your aquarium to a natural - Wild - state, based upon your chosen inhabitants."

Marine Formulations

- Coral Vital
- Reef Vital DNA
- Coral Vital LSB
- Black Powder
- Spectra Vital
- Combo Vital
- F.O.R.M. Liquid
- F.O.R.M.
- Calcium Vital Plus

Marine & Freshwater Formulations

- Bacter Vital
- Immuno Vital
- Phosphate+Silicate Magnet

Freshwater Formulations

- Instant Amazon
- Natural Aquarium Vital
- Rift Lake Vital
- Ketapeat Nuggets

Weiss Organic Products

Marine & Freshwater Formulations

- Algae Magic
- Bacter Boost
- Garlic Boost Plus

Marine Formulations

- Coral Boost
- Sand Boost






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MFK Member
Jul 23, 2005
Quarantine Tank
bump for a prize sponsor!!!!