October TOTM Accepting Entries!

Gourami Swami

MFK Moderators
Staff member
MFK Member
Jul 13, 2006
Hello MFK!
You know what time it is, tank of the month time!

Please send entries to Monsterfishcontests@gmail.com

Please take a minute to read the rules linked in my signature if you want to enter.
For TOTM, big rules are must be a full tank photo, no other animals or focus of the photo, and you can't re-enter a winning tank, or re-enter a nonwinning tank without changing it up significantly. Rules are in place to keep these contests fun and fair.

Have had less entries lately, if the trend continues we may pause this TOTM contest. But let's give it another shot this month.
Let us see your best setups!

Rules below.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Nov 2, 2008
Just FYI maybe its helpful to post a link here for rules as some phones do not permit signature links. I tried to go into your info and it was not easy to find either.


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
Have had less entries lately, if the trend continues we may pause this TOTM contest.
Don't get me wrong, I like popping into these threads now and again to have a look at the photos, I even vote on occasion, but not as much as I used to, and I certainly won't be taking part again.

But your observation of "less entries lately", which is absolutely correct, maybe has something to do with the fact that these competitions have no meaning nowadays. Part of the allure was to try and win and get a nice shiny camera. Move up the ladder as it were.

But here we are, after all what's been said, we're still in the same boat as regards awards being given out, and it's not just the POTM and TOTM comps. What is the point?

The forum needs a shake up.

Gourami Swami

MFK Moderators
Staff member
MFK Member
Jul 13, 2006
Don't get me wrong, I like popping into these threads now and again to have a look at the photos, I even vote on occasion, but not as much as I used to, and I certainly won't be taking part again.

But your observation of "less entries lately", which is absolutely correct, maybe has something to do with the fact that these competitions have no meaning nowadays. Part of the allure was to try and win and get a nice shiny camera. Move up the ladder as it were.

But here we are, after all what's been said, we're still in the same boat as regards awards being given out, and it's not just the POTM and TOTM comps. What is the point?

The forum needs a shake up.
This is a fair point, I am making an effort to get the award distribution power. The system we had for giving out the awards has broken down because some higher ups have become inactive, nobody to give them out. That said I do believe people enjoy them regardless, and they are supposed to be just for fun, the badge doesn't do much but look shiny. Thanks everyone for continuing to participate, had a good turnout for october after I commented that things have been slower.


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
The "badge"? What exactly are we talking about here?

When Esox mentioned the camera, my heart skipped a beat; I was thinking "The prize is a camera? That can't be right?"

And now it sounds like the prize is...absolutely nothing?

I hope the contest continues, as I enjoy seeing the entrants, but it's difficult to take it more seriously than that.


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
There are a lot of old threads from back in the day, a lot of them are stickies, easily accessible, which go into great detail on how the awards system came to be and how it (should) work. It is obvious that a few leading members from way back, some still with us, put a lot of thought and hard work into setting it all up.

And it's all gone to crap these past couple of years!

If we have an awards system, for fun or otherwise, then as I see it, said awards system should work!

This isn't the first time I've spoke up about it, and I don't know why I'm so vocal about it really because it means diddly squat to me. I promise, hand on heart, this will be the last post I write which mentions the current dysfunctional awards system, lol.

At the end of the day, if I purchased a brand new shiny bike, and said bike had some beautiful lights on it, I'd be disappointed if my lights didn't work! I'd either take my duff lights off, or fix them!
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Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
There are a lot of old threads from back in the day, a lot of them are stickies, easily accessible, which go into great detail on how the awards system came to be and how it (should) work. It is obvious that a few leading members from way back, some still with us, put a lot of thought and hard work into setting it all up.

And it's all gone to crap these past couple of years!

If we have an awards system, for fun or otherwise, then as I see it, said awards system should work!

This isn't the first time I've spoke up about it, and I don't know why I'm so vocal about it really because it means diddly squat to me. I promise, hand on heart, this will be the last post I write which mentions the current dysfunctional awards system, lol.

At the end of the day, if I purchased a brand new shiny bike, and said bike had some beautiful lights on it, I'd be disappointed if my lights didn't work! I'd either take my duff lights off, or fix them!
Wellllllll....if you had purchased a new bike, it would have cost you actual money, and complaining about deficiencies would be completely justified. The photo contests are free, so...a bit different.

If somebody just gave me a bike, gratis...I'd fix the lights too...but I wouldn't complain to the gifter. :)

I'm always amazed that anybody has the patience to be a forum moderator; I can't imagine a more thankless, miserable task to take on for free!!! :)

You can please some of the people some of the time...but it is unfortunately very easy to fail to please all of the people a lot of the time!

Fishman Dave

MFK Member
Nov 14, 2015
West Yorkshire
Tank of the month is always gonna be a hard competition to get many photos for. Most folks only have a few tanks worthy of submitting photos for and if you don’t win, then generally you don’t submit the same tank or photo again, and you certainly don’t go creating a new setup just to submit another photo.
I expect to have a low number of entries so if there are only two, so be it, we vote on two. And if I or anyone else loses a two horse race, so be it, I or they chose to submit and try. (After all we still get nothing for it, other than the knowledge that we tried and we pleased some folks by showing our tanks).

Now for photo of the month it’s a little different. We all can have thousands of photos and take more and submit whichever we want.
The only reason I can really see for low numbers is folks potentially knowing they won’t win, or probably won’t, and that happens if (almost) professional shots win all the time. But that’s in the hands of the voters. Do I vote for a stunning looking black backgrounds professional shot which looks like my airbrushed family photo for my wall of a fish that never moves, or for the one off I-phone shot of a fish that I know is never still. I know which I vote for but I can’t tell others what to vote for!

I personally prefer the getting nothing for it way. Yes, I know, I haven’t won one and been waiting for it forever to arrive, but I have come to realise its all for fun, and the STATUS of the badges, the levels, etc. all means diddly squat.
I can be a high level user with all the badges going and still give crap advice, or I can have no badges etc. and give good solid advice.
I don’t need badges and cameras to have 40 yrs experience.

So thank you mods for doing what you do, and what you can do, even though I don’t understand who runs this thing, or how you get to be a mod etc. so much just doesn’t add up, but I don’t care, I enjoy it, and keep it up!