Picking fish for a 270 gallon cichlid community?


MFK Member
Nov 13, 2015
I am converting my 270 gallon(also has 40 gallon sump) to a cichlid tank. Sadly it is not 8 feet long instead it is 72 inches long 36 high and 24 wide which makes me a little hesitant as far as stocking big fish goes.

Must haves:

2 chocolate cichlids
2 Severums
1 fire eel

I would like to have, but I am open to not getting:

2 threadfin acara
6 angelfish

Now here is where I am having trouble. There are two other fish I know I want; another big cichlid and a pike. I know with my current list I have a fair amount of space left to work with, but I still want to pick the right species of course.

Edit: It keeps cutting off the rest of this post, so the rest is in the next comment.


MFK Member
Nov 13, 2015
It won't let me post the thread with this attached for some reason, but here is the 2nd part of my question:

For the large cichlid I am looking for a real show-stopper. I have a friend with a male festae in a community that doesn't cause any problems. He says the female is the aggressive one and without a female the male is fairly peaceful as long as no one challenges him. I was pretty set on one after seeing his, but after some research I wonder if his is the exception not the norm. Any thoughts on this or maybe a different but still beautiful option? The only other two species I can think of is the true parrot(which can't be kept with chocolates) and the Oscar(which I think is a step-down from the parrot and festae as far as beauty goes). Is the festae actually an option or maybe there is some beautiful cichlid I don't know about?

As for the pike I think Crenicichla lenticulata looks amazing, but info on it's temperament is few and far between. The red atapo pike is nice as well, but there is once again a lack of info on keeping it with other fish. Is there a nice pike anyone would recommend, or would one of the two I mentioned work? The saxatilis seems to be a safe fall back plan although not as impressive as the other pikes I mentioned.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Nov 23, 2015
I would get a colony of six Cichlasoma Nicaraguense, the beautiful Macaw Cichlid. To go along with the others you listed. I would NOT add a Festae as it would probably terrorize and eventually kill all of its tankmates. I would also generally not recommend a Pike with your mix as most tend to bully peaceful cichlids, but your probability of getting a Pike who gets along with the others in your relatively spacious tank is much greater than adding in a Festae of either sex, especially if you get one of the smaller more peaceful types of Pike Cichlids.