Tire Eel Breeding


MFK Member
Nov 13, 2023
Thanks for all the info. After I posted the other day I ended up having a look online about eels. I was quite shocked to learn certain genetic species have not been or at least we have no knowledge of them being hatched in captivity. Others have been but to limited success. So does that mean that most are caught in wild? Rather crazy when you think about it. The one inhave as mentioned is from what I can tell of the mini variety. Which I am glad, I had one when I was a teenager and it was huge, always escaping as well. Mine can be a bit of a pain occasionally, if I don't get food that it likes by a certain time it will sneak into my Marineland filter looking for snacks. Easy enough to get it out thankfully. As mentioned like tobfeed alot of my rank mates by hand only because a few I picked up in store were very poor body condition ( they only fed flake) who feeds discus flake food only? This made me very concerned so now after 2 months I think they have doubled their body mass( at least they look 2 times fatter and much heavier from when I bought them) they also look a bit bigger and very aggressive eaters now. Even my eel will sit in the palm of my hand and take large blood worms from my fingers. Pretty much all of them now. This way no excess food in tank andbibcan make sure everyone is getting a fair share.
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Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Apr 17, 2011
MoBay, Jamaica
I'm going to disagree with what appears to be the concensus: parthenogenesis does happen and it's usually terribly rare, which would jibe with this "not recorded" example's box. Other fish might have been breeding to stir the hormonal soup, or another contaminant stimulant, or just good-ol'fashioned oddity & good/bad luck.

How have the pups been growing, K kcoleridge K kcoleridge , as that migth further elucidate timelines & sources? Apologies if I missed this in the text.