Water changes with mean fish?!?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 28, 2009
idk why.. but this thread made me laugh... my cuban takes pot shots at my syphon now. i just ignore it and move him out of my way with the syphon.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 22, 2012
By SF, Farther Inland, NorCal
I have this parrot fish that watches me 24/7. He is always at the very edge of the glass swimming back and forth like pacing. He jumps out and nips me when I put my hand over the water line. He will rub his mouth up into my hand palm like a dogs nose. I put treats (pellets) in my palm then close up my hand leaving a circular hole between the thumb and index fingers. Just enough room for my parrot fish to jump up and grab the pellets in my palm with his mouth. EXACTLY like a dogs nose. He is harmless though because the way his mouth is shaped its like a wet/slimy rubber band rubbed against your skin. Its really not as bad as it seems I've always found touching fish enjoyable unless they don't like it. But they always come around at some point and allow it. Even my wild caught giraffe catfish searches through me with his tentacles whilst letting me pet the top of his head. He puffs up his gills almost flaring if I stop petting his head as if warning me not to stop. (Parrot fish) Well he throws HUGE tantrumes when I clean the tank or put my hands in the water. He gets really frustrated shaking his head back and forth trying to tear up my fingers. But he doesn't have anything that can hurt me. So I just give him a rub on the nose (nuchal hump) and continue. honestly i can never tell if he likes me or he hates me. He definitely doesnt like my hands in the tank though. He swims around my hand frantically trying to chase me away. My fat featherfin catfish comes up to the top upside down and she scrapes my fingertip with her soft teeth for scraps and then lets me rub her belly with my index finger only. It is SO soft. Her skin is soft enough to use as a pillow. She is so fat though lmao. When i feel her belly its really delicate. Its like gelatin, if u use just a TINY bit of force it will jiggle and bobble. She doesnt like that though. I think it tickles. She is kind of shy with new people though. Same with all my other fish. Nobody will eat food around people they don't recognize. Except the parrot fish and the datnoid, they don't seem to mind.

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Cichlaholics Anonymous

MFK Member
May 23, 2006
Miami, Florida
I wouldn't say its fear, but i have a good amount of caution when i work on the tank of my gymnothorax moringa. it has no fear of me or the siphon

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Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 26, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
My pearsei is not that aggressive to tankmates but gives me a hard time when I do water changes. Leaves the syphon alone and just does not like my hand. I found out if I put the net in the water he stays away from me. He obviously learnt what the net means...

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Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Mar 1, 2012
My largest male dovii about 18" his tank is always drama during cleaning he sits back lines up and charges my hand. Dovii are very fast you dont want a fish that big to bite you. Just recently hit my scraper so hard he broke it. I have found out if I use two syphons it distracts him a little. The only other real bad one at the moment is my 13" male jaguars tank. He attacks hand, syphon, scraper he is relentless. He tries to sneak attank you when you open the lid to clean the tank, or even feeding time. Both fish are serious glass bangers.

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Fire Eel
MFK Member
May 19, 2012
Calgary, AB
I've got a pair of flowerhorn. The person I bought them from had 4 55g a 90 and a bunch of smaller ones so he was forced to put this pair in a 20. I got then for $30 so a great price. The pair had got along in the 20 and I put them in my 55. The males is only 1.5 inches larger than the female.

They were fine but then got into a fight and separated then. The weird thing is, is that the female cause more damage and was more agressive to him. If I stick my fingers or hand in the tank the female won't do anything but the males is more protective or agressive to it and swims up to it like its food. He's also a more agressive eater (I named him pig) but the female is stronger than him.

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