Help Building My Dream Tank


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 11, 2024
Hello all! As this is my first post, I'd like to confess I've been lurking for a very long time and have really enjoyed the content that you all provide. Now that the kids are getting older and I'm finding more time on my hands and our house feels empty, I think I'm finally wanting to realize my dream tank. As a child, I was an aquarium hobbyist with several 55 and 75 gallon tanks that were probably not well put together but the fish all did fine. I've always had a dream of putting together a large Cichlid tank, mainly peacock bass. Now that I have an entire finished basement to myself, I've been reading feverishly on the setup of a large 5' or 6' tank. There are so many different opinions on proper setup and filtration I'm having trouble dialing it in. I've been reluctant to post because all the info is in the search, but I feel lost. I'm also not sure whether this is even the correct category to post in.

Here's what is currently on my list for filtration setup:

150 or 210 gallon 6' tank

Fx6 canister

2 sponge filters

Aquaclear 110

Would this be sufficient? Would I need power heads? I want to avoid a sump at all costs.

I suppose all of this information changes based upon what I stock in the tank, but in my brain I would like to have a few Cichla or possibly a few other large cichlids. I haven't gotten that far yet, but this is something I want to put a lot of thought into. While finances are always important, I'd like it to be as inexpensive as possible, but not "cheap" and ramshackle.

I appreciate any help you all can offer and thank you in advance!



Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
Hello all! As this is my first post, I'd like to confess I've been lurking for a very long time and have really enjoyed the content that you all provide. Now that the kids are getting older and I'm finding more time on my hands and our house feels empty, I think I'm finally wanting to realize my dream tank. As a child, I was an aquarium hobbyist with several 55 and 75 gallon tanks that were probably not well put together but the fish all did fine. I've always had a dream of putting together a large Cichlid tank, mainly peacock bass. Now that I have an entire finished basement to myself, I've been reading feverishly on the setup of a large 5' or 6' tank. There are so many different opinions on proper setup and filtration I'm having trouble dialing it in. I've been reluctant to post because all the info is in the search, but I feel lost. I'm also not sure whether this is even the correct category to post in.

Here's what is currently on my list for filtration setup:

150 or 210 gallon 6' tank

Fx6 canister

2 sponge filters

Aquaclear 110

Would this be sufficient? Would I need power heads? I want to avoid a sump at all costs.

I suppose all of this information changes based upon what I stock in the tank, but in my brain I would like to have a few Cichla or possibly a few other large cichlids. I haven't gotten that far yet, but this is something I want to put a lot of thought into. While finances are always important, I'd like it to be as inexpensive as possible, but not "cheap" and ramshackle.

I appreciate any help you all can offer and thank you in advance!

Welcome aboard
Nice to hear you have time to enjoy the fishkeeping hobby again. Tbh the 210 would just be a growout aquarium for Peacock Bass.


MFK Member
May 31, 2016
I agree with tlindey, 210 is to small to keep peacocks in the long run, especially if you want to keep a group or other large cichlids.

Above that size (at least where I live), tanks usually become exponencially expensive to buy, so if you want to keep it cheaper und have a nice project to keep your hands busy I would recommend building one on your own. This also give you way more freedom in what you want to and can do with your tank.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 11, 2024
Thank you for your replies. I'm not stuck on having pb so it's not a deal breaker. That seems to be the largest glass tank available without having to go to the pricier custom acrylic tanks. What would a good stock list be for other large cichlids in a 210gal set up? If I were to stock the appropriate size and number of fish in that tank, would the filtration set up I put together be enough?


MFK Member
May 31, 2016
There are some really nice eartheaters you can keep in 210. For two groups of 5-6, one larger one smaller species, and some tetra the fx6 should be fine. But I would not go much further, all should have their spaces.

Most Heros can be kept aswell in 210
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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 11, 2024
Welcome aboard
Nice to hear you have time to enjoy the fishkeeping hobby again. Tbh the 210 would just be a growout aquarium for Peacock Bass.
You mentioned a grow out tank. What is the market like for raising peacock bass and other large cichlids to the appropriate size tank and then rehoming them? I don't mean the market as in price because that's not important, I mean how easy is it to find a home for a pb when it becomes too large for its tank?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 11, 2024
If healthy you should not have a problem rehoming them. I personally would sell them to get something for all the care you gave them.
Well then that sounds like it could be a good idea! So stick with just the fx6 or do I need to add the ac110 and sponge filters? I want to do this right because it's such an investment.
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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
the fx6 or do I need to add the ac110 and sponge filters? I
If you are willing to do a sump that would be my choice over the other filters. If you choose to use the fx6 just stay on top of keeping it maintained. I would also add 1or 2 Fluval AC 110 filters.
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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 11, 2024
Does anyone ever put 3 ac110's on a tank this large. What would 3 of those do on a 150gal? I was thinking 3 spaced out woyld cover the length of the tank and I'm trying to do the math with actual flow rates and it seems that 2-3 ac110's would cover the requirements of a 150gal unplanted tank. Am I on the right track?