Piriabia Id.


Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 2, 2016
I went a picked up this fella labeled as a brachyplatystoma filamentosum although 9/10 they tend to be brachyplatystoma capapretum.

Either way I'm not fussed on the fish, I'm guessing it's a Capapa although it's mouth is more square. I'd like some others views on this. I just can't quite make my mind up on the Id.

Also I'll be picking up a potential brachyplatystoma rousseauxii Although small around 6cm. I'll share it on this thread to id it to save the amount of threads I'm posting lol.

I must say this little guy is awesome. Had to put a decider in the tank as something had nipped his lovely long whiskers and trailers.

He's plenty more active since I added it.

Managed to get him taking small prawns which is a good start. Nothing else yet though, not a massively aggressive feeder.

I'll add a quick video below.

Cheers all








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Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 2, 2016
Thanks all.

Now for the second part.

I picked this guy up under the following names.

Zurrungo zurrungo - brachyplatystoma flavicans - sliding catfish.

Althoug that's two different spieces and I know brachyplatystoma flavicans is also a name for the brachyplatystoma rousseauxii.

What do we all reckon?
Had a light metallic shine to the body and some behind the gill plate.



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Senior Curator
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Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
This is B. rousseauxii, no question. Has nothing to do with jau catfish aka Zungaro zungaro.

Around these parts, dorado goes for $65 is lucky (2") up to $125 (3"-4").

Jau are far cheaper, usually labeled Amazon catfish and cost ~$30-$40.

Dorado cats are exceedingly flighty. ~ Impossible to raise to adulthood with intact snout. Always smashed and bent.


Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 2, 2016
This is B. rousseauxii, no question. Has nothing to do with jau catfish aka Zungaro zungaro.

Around these parts, dorado goes for $65 is lucky (2") up to $125 (3"-4").

Jau are far cheaper, usually labeled Amazon catfish and cost ~$30-$40.

Dorado cats are exceedingly flighty. ~ Impossible to raise to adulthood with intact snout. Always smashed and bent.
There extramly rare in the uk from what I've heard. A few friends are very jelous ive managed to locate one. I paid £125.00 for this little chap. Hopefully, I'll be able to give him enough space as he grows so he wI'll not damage his snout. We shall see. Thanks for the Id Viktor.
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Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
I didn't know they are so rare in UK. They are relatively available on this side of Gulfstream.

I am afraid it is not a matter of space. When they are small (less than 1') their mode of coping with any intrusion into their personal space or even in their tank - sudden move, sudden light, sudden sound, sudden smell/taste, even of the food being dropped on their head, etc. - is to bolt full speed no matter where. In a tank, they naturally hit a wall sooner or later.

The tricks may be actually to give them a small tank (or a round tank, or better yet a small inflatable round pond), so they don't pick up much speed or to cushion the sides with say a thicket of fake plants. Or bubble wrap the tank inside :)

The usual trick of blacking out sides will not do. They bolt no matter what and they don't look where they are going. They just want to get as far and as quickly as possible from the source of potential danger.

When they hit a wall, it stuns them for a bit, may even get discombobulated. This hitting is done regularly and the snout starts bending little by little, usually downward.


Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 2, 2016
I didn't know they are so rare in UK. They are relatively available on this side of Gulfstream.

I am afraid it is not a matter of space. When they are small (less than 1') their mode of coping with any intrusion into their personal space or even in their tank - sudden move, sudden light, sudden sound, sudden smell/taste, even of the food being dropped on their head, etc. - is to bolt full speed no matter where. In a tank, they naturally hit a wall sooner or later.

The tricks may be actually to give them a small tank (or a round tank, or better yet a small inflatable round pond), so they don't pick up much speed or to cushion the sides with say a thicket of fake plants. Or bubble wrap the tank inside :)

The usual trick of blacking out sides will not do. They bolt no matter what and they don't look where they are going. They just want to get as far and as quickly as possible from the source of potential danger.

When they hit a wall, it stuns them for a bit, may even get discombobulated. This hitting is done regularly and the snout starts bending little by little, usually downward.
I'll have to keep an eye on him. Brilliant information, really appreciate it. Only his sizes worries me at this moment, I hear they are pretty sensitive. I'm new to the brachyplatystoma Cats, so it a learning curve for me. I might if just secured a 8-10" slobbering catfish. Although, I need mine to grow Abit more as I'm official out of spare tanks.

The new ones arriving very soon. Although something have changed. Issues with the company, ect. I'll explain it all in a thread once it's all set up. There a month and 3 days over there expected due date. Terrible at communication. I'm not exactly impressed with them to say the least, if I ran my business like that. I'm pretty sure if be out of work!