API ALGAEFIX Lethargy/Death


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 3, 2012
New Castle, DE
So my daughter's fish tank (55g) had this crazy algae bloom. It was so bad that even 75% water changes would only last clear for 3-5 days before the tank was so yellow/green that you could barely see the fish. I got tired of that and bought API AlgaeFix because the bottle says "Will Not Hurt Fish" right on the front. I used the recommended dose after another 50% water change and voila! The bloom never came back and has been clear of algae since. Here's the problem. . . .

I started using half the dose on all my tanks (5 tanks) whenever I did water changes and started noticing that my fish were lethargic afterwards. I started doing research online and looking through many forums. Many people would say things like "make sure your temp. is the same as the tank when adding" "you may need to aerate your water before adding it" and so on and so forth. But I noticed that whenever someone would post plenty of details such as "i did a 50% water change with aerated water, used water conditioner, algaefix, and still have lethargic fish" i started saving the complaints on a notepad and realized everyone was using some sort of algaefix when they did their weekly water changes.

So Monday night I decided to do a water change on all the tanks but only use algaefix on two of the tanks and not use it on three of the tanks as control. Sure enough, the two I used API AlgaeFix with gave me lethargic fish afterwards. Luckily I have not had any die on me, but I have learned my lesson. I did a 50% water change again and now my fish are active.

Lesson learned: Even if a chemical bottle says "Will not hurt fish" on it, assume it will! Don't add chemicals to water unless you have to (like when i had that terrible algae bloom). If you have to use a chemical, read as many reviews as you can, do as much research on on the types of chemicals the bottle has and the negative consequences and impact it can have on that sensitive eco-system you have between that glass. The hours of research are definitely worth it. I rather read for 2 hours than spend a few days trying to save my fish from death. I hope my lesson helps you in the future.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
I have heard of fish loss due to use of these types of products. Best to keep it under control with limiting the amount of light the tank receives and water changes. I use a UV sterilizer to cut down on 'green water' issues.


MFK Member
Jan 31, 2009
I'm so glad you learned this early on. I actually talked to one of my "honest" lfs years ago. They will sell me stuff, but if I ask them for an honest opinion, they tell me. I truly trust them. They advised me against undergravel filters-when they were still around, if they still are, and against all chemicals of the sorts for this very reason. For 15 years I'd treat the symptoms and the cause, but I'd always, always lose the fish in the end within a year. The fish would just die. No symptoms at all; seem perfectly healthy then just flop over, sometimes they would bleed to death from their eyes, gills, glands, etc for no apparant reason. In my old 55g tank, I watched my beloved big ID sharks turn the water orange with blood and I didn't know why....Now, turns out it wasn't until a couple years ago I had what you described-horrible algae blooms so bad I couldn't see my fish. the water changes were so great, but would only last maybe 2 days, then back to obliviousness again. I explained this the my one LFS and said also that I had used algae destroyer the previous year and worked great but now during this bloom, fish were dropping in the recent months for now reason. They explained to me that algae is NOT toxic...it was green, yes, water chemistery was perfect. I remember that thinking the bacteria bloom was causing it. But, the fish were dying. Chemicals we used in the PAST finally caused liver/kidney failure and they were bleeding internally/externally/hemoragging, etc what seemed to the regular eyes just dying for no reason. We invested in UV lights in all 5 tanks. No chemicals except start right since, over 5/6 years now, and will never do without. It saves us on medicine, replacing fish, replacing filter media from the medicine, water from the needed water changes for medicine treatments and algae control....but you get my drift. And-no quarantine!!!! No ICK!!! The use of medicine will eventually catch up. I lost a few of my favorite fish, one was my 11 year old's mate during this time. She stayed by his corpse. She's still alive to this day...and we got them together. That's how I know his was a premature death. It's the same with all meds-all have side effects I suppose.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 6, 2010
Needham, MA
Ditto- that cr@p fragged 3 adult 12+ inch Bala's on me a few years back


Feeder Fish
Feb 24, 2018
I sadly lost my Coal Grunter today, I wish i had googled this product (API Algaefix) before I used it. He was 18cm long, with no problem for three years, and he was an awesome fish.
About 1 day after i added the first dose, I noticed he was a bit quiet and not eating. In the last 24 hrs he would have hysterical attacks and then calm back down.
This morning he had what looked like a fit and I thought he was gone. I got him into another tank with fresh water and an aerator and moved him around a bit. he started breathing again. A couple of hours later this happened again and again, each time I would have to hold him upright for 20mins before he appeared to come good again. The fourth time he didn't come back. I didn't think it could be algaefix, although it was the only new addition to the tank. I don't no why I didn't see it sooner.

He was a good friend, I'm angry, upset and amazed that there wasn't more information on the risks involved in using this product.

I hate you API


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Oct 14, 2007
It's the same with Excel. People assume it's safe because Seachem says so but there's a pattern of fish death/illness with its use.

In the aquarium products business, companies can basically claim anything they want and it's up to consumers to be diligent.


MFK Member
Feb 27, 2011
Winter Springs
I've heard nothing but bad stuff about that product. I had a woman tell me it wiped out her whole tank. She also used a little more than you were supposed to... but yeah, no I dont use it. I still want to know why people have such issues with algae blooms. My tank light is on from the time I get up to the time I go to bed and I rarely grow anything.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 9, 2017
Royal Oak, Michigan
Sorry but I doubt Algaefix has anything to do with lathargic/harming fish. I have used it for years in my koi pond all the time to help combat the algae from direct sunlight (My sister does as well) and we have never had a single problem with fish.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Oct 14, 2007
It killed my fish. Someone asked if it was safe. I told him/her it would kill his fish. He tried it anyway and it killed his fish. He no longer recommends it.

I'd much rather shell out for UV to control green water. The fewer chemicals the better.