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    jd and red texas (petsmart) breeding project

    I wish it was an update on this.
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    Hexagon tank

    Any suggestions for breeding in this 29 gallon hexagon tank
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    Escondido x Parrot

    Those are nice, breeding them back to a blood parrot to improve on the color.
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    Rtm x dovi updated

    I feel the same way bro.
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    Dovii/Red Devil Breeding Pair

    Did they hatch? Are they free swimming?
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    Festae, Carpintis, Managuense project

    Sounds like a plan to me, I'm starting a red texas project my self. I hope it works out for you and your buddies, keep us updated.
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    tanganyikan tank

    Thanks guys, when I took this pic there were no fish in the tank due to cycling. I now have 1 leleupi, trio of neolamprologus hecqui, 5 julidochromis regani, and 2 cylindricus.
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    Dirted Tanks

    Thanks guys
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    Dirted Tanks

    It's not hard at all when you cap it with a thick layer of sand, but the downside is the plants take long to root.
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    tanganyikan tank

    Yeah your right, I will take a better pic tomorrow.
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    Dirted Tanks

    Here we have my 55gallon and 10gallon both dirted with organic topsoil and peat moss, tell me what you guys think and thanks in advance.
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    tanganyikan tank

    Here's my 55gallon tanganyikan cichlid tank, tell me what you guys think and thanks in advance.
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    Altolamp spawns

    That's nice, I hope they make it.
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    Altolamp spawns

    Man that's cool, I just setup a 55 gallon tanganyikan tank and I hope I have as much success as you are.
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    Rams spawned.

    Congrats and good luck raising them.
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    Rams spawned.

    That's nice man, I wonder what the babies would look like.
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    Tanganyika 20 Gallon Thread

    Go with the multis, I just setup a 55 gallon that I will be putting all tanganyikan cichlid species in.
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    how many of you have a cuban cichlid in your collection????

    This is a nice thread, cuban cichlids rock.
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    German blue and German gold ram breeding pair

    They will spawn and care the babies in typical German blue ram fashion, the colors of these babies will surprise you.
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    My community tank

    Nice tank.