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  1. Drx6x

    Bluegill questions

    need a lot bigger tank 75g+ is min for Lepomis species. Enneacanthus could work but there not from there. bluegill get big even by Lepomis standards and are very aggressive. some darters or Topminnows would work from your region. always check laws about collecting 1st and be 100% sure to be...
  2. Drx6x

    Tropical Fish in warm water discharges?

    well there's a gator that's been seen bunch over several years in the desplaines river in northern il so i would say it's definitely possible
  3. Drx6x

    Yikes! Pikes!

    wish i had a tank for a pike but o well will stick to the smaller esox for now
  4. Drx6x

    Cooked vs Uncooked Shrimp

    won't hurt them but it doesn't have as good of a nutrient value for them.
  5. Drx6x

    What type of sunfish is this?

    the face pattern screams warmouth but body shape and rest of body color don't. best guess warmouth x green the pectoral fins look alot like my greens in coloration
  6. Drx6x

    Please id sucker fish

    white would more than likely correct 3 days without eating isn't much they can be little finky about eating and really do better over sand. have you tried blood worms?
  7. Drx6x

    Smallmouth Bass

    tank mates are snacks. they need cool moving well oxygenated water .easily hit 12" in a year 300g is a good tank size minimum so be ready for that upgrade rather quickly.
  8. Drx6x

    Meanest most aggressive fish for a 75

    I have to drop some natives in the mix mi long ear sunfish western dollar warmouth less aggressive but more size and one of my favorite personality wise Red fin/grass pickerel not active as much other then when hunting but looks fierce and is the fighter plane of the fish world if...
  9. Drx6x

    Rainbow darters

    there's almost always on aquabid
  10. Drx6x

    Help ID: molted pattern, radiating lines from black eyes?

    Hikari carnivore pellets is what i use for new fish i soak them in water that i thaw bloodworms in. i feed mine a mixed diet of pelts frozen bloodworms and frozen krill tho he has lost interest in the blood worms now that he's pretty big
  11. Drx6x

    Identify your North American Native Fish

    ding ding winner winner chicken dinner
  12. Drx6x

    Fish you would love to keep but can't.

    northern pike, rtc,tsn, whale shark
  13. Drx6x

    My Florida pickerel

    he's a fatty lol personally don't let mine get that full feed just enough so he has a slight bulge then feed again when it goes away.
  14. Drx6x

    My Florida pickerel

    yeah definitely looks like chain and from a quick google anytime Florida and pickerel are together so is chain hope you got a tank big enough they get about 2 foot.
  15. Drx6x

    Identify your North American Native Fish

    it is in the Catostomus family
  16. Drx6x

    Identify your North American Native Fish

    its not a stripped redhorse