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  1. D

    Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

    I’d have to say the dovii, then the jag, and i have a red mayan thats extremely aggressive.. he bites at every fish in the tank..
  2. D

    oscar's vibrating tail

    Yea i was wondering the same thing, i have two oscars and they do that when they get close to eachother.. their tails vibrate.. i caught them lip locking yesterday.. guess its a territorial thing.. i was curious about it, til i see the post in here.. it calms my merves now, as into why they’re...
  3. D

    Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

    I have a wolf Dovii, and i also have 3 oscars.. but when it comes to pure anger, aggression, attitude and flat out rude. I’d have to say my Dovii.. He’s never nice about anything!! He just wants to bite and kill.. simple as that..