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  1. Cichla-Kyle

    Golden Jaguar or mistaken ID?

    I bought it as a 1/2" jaguar cichlid, but as it got bigger it never turned purple, always this light Gold color. Is it a jaguar or something else? It's about 7 inches now. Also male or female?
  2. Cichla-Kyle

    Jaguar id?

    While yall are at it, yall mind attempting sexing mine? I hoped it would purple up as it grew but it never did. Now its 7 inches and gold.
  3. Cichla-Kyle

    Bass growing fast

    Mine have grown some since my last posting here. As the patterns come through I'm more confused than ever about species. Ps. These pictures were taken minutes before a water change. I stirred up the water moving plants around
  4. Cichla-Kyle

    ALL FINS UP !!!!

    2 are 6" ones 9"
  5. Cichla-Kyle

    ALL FINS UP !!!!

    Ya, but it works for now. Plus the loaches "clean" her after she eats and I'd swear she likes it. My tiger loach sticks his head in her mouth. Scares me sometimes but it's been a working relationship for months now....
  6. Cichla-Kyle

    ALL FINS UP !!!!

    Not yet. He ignores the loaches that are smaller than the shiners he eats, but eventually I'll separate the potential foodies. Leaving him, my 2 PBass, Jaguar, clownknife, sailfin pleco and MAYBE my 3 senegal's.
  7. Cichla-Kyle

    Bass growing fast

    I love your PBass, how big are they? These are mine. They started the same size, but the darker one is growing much slower. No clue which species they are yet, I'm still fairly new to Cichla's. My big one is 4.5" and the small one just under 3"
  8. Cichla-Kyle

    ALL FINS UP !!!!

    13" Endlicheri, and 9.5" Senegal. As well as 7.5" Mogurnda Goby, and 4.5" Peacock Bass
  9. Cichla-Kyle

    unofficial fish of the week artwork

    Work in progress, a collage of all my fish. Still have some to add to it.
  10. Cichla-Kyle

    MONSTER Malaysian Trumpet Snails (Melanoides tuberculata)

    I have a 120 G, sand bottom tank with some messy eaters, I love that my MTS constantly stir my sand so I dont get "tank farts" from gases building up pockets under the sand. I also love that any uneaten food is engulfed by dozens of snails and eaten very quickly. I had a Green spotted puffer...
  11. Cichla-Kyle

    unofficial fish of the week artwork

    Your in luck, I have a Polypterus Endlicheri as well as 3 senegalus. So I can draw originals without aid of online photos!
  12. Cichla-Kyle

    unofficial fish of the week artwork

    Im game, what would you like and what size? we can figure out details on getting it to you later.
  13. Cichla-Kyle

    Dwarf Caiman Tankmates

    I know I'm late to the party, but 90% of the time anywhere in the US, dealing with crocadilians, you need a permit, as they fall under the dangerous animal clause. I wish you the best of luck in your endevours, but housing anything you dont intend to be food at some point for a caiman is not a...
  14. Cichla-Kyle

    Juvenile Clown Knife not eating

    Weird enough mine did not like to eat either, I added two 1 inch peacock bass and when he saw them eating like pigs, he became a voracious eater and was determined to beat the peacocks to food.
  15. Cichla-Kyle

    shirts and stickers

    why is it when you click on the link, the only merch available is a hat? No shirts? or Jackets? I thought the fight against monster energy rights on "monster" was over. I seriously would love to order shirts supporting MFK. a clown knife shirt, or peacock bass, hell a...
  16. Cichla-Kyle

    Cichla piquiti

    I'm wondering if that's what I have, I rescued them from Petco, some kid wanted to put them in a bowl so I bought them before he could. They are just over 2" now.
  17. Cichla-Kyle


    120 G. 3 Spotted silver dollars, Polypterus Endlicheri, 3 polypterus Senegalus, Morgurnda Goby, 2 Cichla peacock bass, Jaguar cichlid, Clown knife, Ropefish, Electric blue jewel cichlid. No Beer-fish in my tank, sorry guys.