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  1. E_polypterus

    Crab Care

    :) but i was going to return it back to its home, i still didnt find time to go back, though i feel like keeping it now lol. but, i did some research on sri lankan crabs as well, and on average saysmost species are endemic but, those species are not allowed to be kept at home, right? anyway from...
  2. E_polypterus

    Crab Care

    yes, i m from Sri lanka. i found it in a stream though
  3. E_polypterus

    Leaving the tank air pump 24/7

    ah right, but in the previous tank (outside) i kept with my silver dollars and 2 wood catfish i used very less O2 supply, and i didnt see any health issue, is it because they are relatively hardy fish. (i did do regular water changes) its supplemental hm that makes sense yes lol, just wanted...
  4. E_polypterus

    Leaving the tank air pump 24/7

    So keeping the pump on for only a few hours per day would be enough right also what type of essential bacteria does the circulation of the air pump help to grow, And how?
  5. E_polypterus

    Leaving the tank air pump 24/7

    One of my friends said keeping the air pump full time or during whole daytime isn’t good for most species of fish as they get used to the constant supply of O2 and when a sudden power outage comes in (a full day one) the fish would lack the O2 they depend on daily and die, so to keep the pump on...
  6. E_polypterus

    Crab Care

    Hmm I see. Well I thought about a paludarium now and a separate filter and all for it and thought I’ll put it back to the stream because it sounds like a lot of work and since I’d have to keep the crab alone. Thanks a lot for your advice , appreciate it :) (Did what you recommended in the end lol)
  7. E_polypterus

    Crab Care

    I attached a few photos, the tank is outside so they might not be very good for I hope it s ok.(critter is bout 3.5-4cm) And I hope to keep the crab but with the identity, if it’s a hard-to-keep species and tank setup is hard and i Can’t cope with it, I’ll put it back like you said. Also about...
  8. E_polypterus

    Crab Care

    So I just recently caught a freshwater crab from a nearby stream, and I think it needs both land and water. I was thinking if I just used an air pump would it need to go to land? Also does anyone have any extra tips on keeping them? because i have never kept one before
  9. E_polypterus

    Why does my Senegal hang out at the surface?

    i think its quite normal for juveniles to float on the surface, in the wild some do it to float nearby driftwood to catch prey or as hiding places. though how long it lasts vary from each fish imo, ive heard some fish at 8 inches doing it as well ;--; about his rearside floating up slightly, im...
  10. E_polypterus

    Photo and Tank of the Month Contests

    ah right, thank you :)
  11. E_polypterus


    The polypterus was looking up something about best monster fish for a shallow pond and saw this forum. The polypterus repeatedly came back to this forum again and again when searching for other information fish-related, so he thought it would be better if he signed up with a new account anyway
  12. E_polypterus

    Photo and Tank of the Month Contests

    if a contestant wins a potm , will she/he be abe to participate in the next month's one as well? also whats the difference of potm and totm?
  13. E_polypterus

    April Tank of the Month Contest LIVE NOW!!!

    voted bee-autiful tanks : )
  14. E_polypterus

    Keep rtc with arowana

    They do have big mouths (and even bigger stomachs)
  15. E_polypterus

    Fish identification

    Thank you
  16. E_polypterus

    Fish identification

    I’m not sure These fish seem stockier and with shorter barbels Also their adult sizes are larger than Pictish catfish The LFS owner said it was “a kind of catfish” ;-;
  17. E_polypterus

    New little guy!

    I used to have an albino Senegal they are nice to keep and more active too :)
  18. E_polypterus

    Fish identification

    Also, could I know the identification of this catfish
  19. E_polypterus

    Fish identification

    Yes Ive heard of them before too, is glow fish a nickname ? im very sorry if this is the wrong section, I didn’t know where else to post anything about smaller fish species
  20. E_polypterus

    Fish identification

    Thank you