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  1. W

    Sunfish Growth Rates

    In my opinion large Bullheads (Black, Brown, Yellow) and Catfish should not be kept with Small and Medium sized Lepomis, since they outgrow them so fast. Stonecats, small bullheads (Snail /Spotted) and Madtoms are good tankmates for the small and medium species of Sunfish.
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    Is buying native fish cheating?

    No, I dont think so, several of the native LFS dealers (Jonahs aquarium, Zimmermans fish, and BTdarters), have fish that have been bred to have brighter colors and are already adapted to aquarium life.
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    South Florida Fish Collecting pt2

    Vitaly that looks more like a Florida Flagfish than a Molly from the photograph.
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    Channel Cats

    I see baby channel cats in late spring all the time.....but I am in the US and would have to have a license to send across the border. I have yet to see an albino in the wild (they probably get eaten young).
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    What's up with my green sunfish?

    Diet and even temps, what are the temps in the aquarium? Do you ever change the temps (lower them a little) to simulate seasons? This will affect a sunfish's health. I fed my Greenies, gutoaded crickets, and mosquitofish as snacks every once in a while as well thawed out frozen shrimp.
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    Redfin pickerel + sunfish = nofin pickerel?

    Many people have had problems with pickeral and sunfish.....I have ever tried, but a very well respected Nanfa member tried once and ended up with a dead pickeral. Chain Pickeral are much bigger and more aggressive than redfin and will need a much larger tank, they will probably end up eating...
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    Good Bottom Feeder For a Sunfish Tank...

    The lake chubsucker (Erimyzon sucetta), River carpsucker
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    Looking For Warmouth

    I am right here!
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    Tule perch (Hysterocarpus traskii)

    Sorry I cant help you with information, but wow that's a cool fish! I think that it would be really neat to keep these in tank. My big question is whether they are fish that school/shoal, or are they like lepomis in theyre living conditions and habits?
  10. W

    40 breeder?

    A 40 gallon planted would be a good tank for a species only tank of Orangespotted Sunfish male and female, (which are aggressive in the spring). I would say Dollar Sunfish, or Northern Sunfish, but a 40g is probably too small for more than one of those species of Lepomis. (Dollar sunfish are...
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    Back To Longears

    I have the Missouri Longears around this area.....and like you have posted Anthony the fish look different sometimes depending on the area. The fish Zimmermans carry are sometimes also called "Kansas Longear" because they are from the tributaries of the Missouri river in Kansas and Missouri and...
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    What too feed a 1 inch lmb

    mosquitofish young (gambusia), baby guppies, least killifish
  13. W

    Eastern Dollar sunfish (Lepomis marginatus) tank mates

    Dollar Sunfish are aggressive and need tank mates that are a little larger and tough like Creek Chubs or Fallfish, Common and Striped Shiners (Luxiilus sp) Northern or Southern Studminnows, Large Madtoms (stonecats, and any madtom that gets over 5 inches long). Redspotted and Northern Longear...
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    Is this a green sunfish?

    He definitely has some Green Sunny in him, but at that young age I cant tell if hes a pure strain. The local Green sunfish here in Missouri look differently depending on the area you get them from.
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    New Native Wet Pets

    Nice fish, I love the Pumpkinseed!
  16. W

    Reef to River

    Good choice I love Rock Bass, tough buggers, but I would not put them with White Catfish and Chain Pickeral. I know that some species of Sunfish have been known to kill Redfin Pickeral, if the Chain Pickeral was smaller than the Rock Bass, the Rock Bass may in turn kill your Pickeral, and if...
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    my native tank

    I cant wait to see the Video!
  18. W

    Electric Bullhead?

    Both Spotted Bullheads and Florida Browns are really neat aquarium species to own, most bullheads have poisonous spines.....was the Bullhead sticking the Smallmouth before the "territorial aggression" dance?
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    Buying and shipping of N/A Fish?

    Good post divemaster99, I couldn't have made a better list myself :)