african knife fish

  1. E

    210 Gallon Congo River Basin Biotope Stocking Questions

    Im purchasing a 210g here soon and I am going to be stocking with natives of the congo and I wouldn't mind some input from the community and people who have kept the species we will be discussing. So far I have a Ornate Bichir(Polypterus ornatipinnis), and a Senegal Bichir(Polypterus senegalus)...
  2. Irecruitfish

    For Sale  Several fish for sale(Silver arowana, clown knife fish, rocket gar, electric blue acaras and more)

    Not interested in trades Redtail Rainbow shark fish - $25 Dolphin Moori African cichlid - $35 African Leaf fish - $70 14" Silver Arowana - $150 16" Clown knifefish - $125 Rocket gar freshwater barracuda - $80 2 electric blue acaras not sure if one is male and female...