
  1. kendragon

    Caranx Ignobilis (Giant Trevally)

    I like to start off the new year with my new thread on Caranx. I got this group from Wes (Fugupuff) three months ago @2". There are a few Caranx Sexfasciatus (Bigeye). This will be my third time raising Caranx with improvements made each time. I will add to this thread as I go. New @ 2" Today...
  2. Bsixxx

    Got some Trevally

    Thanks to Wes, @fugupuff convincing me to step out of my comfort zone and try these Caranx ignobilis aka giant trevally and ultimately stay in the hobby... To be honest, brackish never interested me because the only fish I ever saw were scat and mono's which were basically angelfish to me, not...