cichlid eggs

  1. V

    My jack dempsey cichlid keep breeding and all these eggs going unfertilzied

    My pair JD breeding and laying eggs then 1-2 days later eggs turns white.(unfertilized) females have no problem with laying eggs, i tought male dont fertile over the eggs because eggs always turns white and not succeed. Any suggestion,advice?
  2. MetalRavioli

    Keyholes are Breeding!

    Hello MFK! I've come with rather exciting news - my keyhole cichlids recently laid eggs! I have six keyhole cichlids in a 90-gallon alongside a leopard ctenopoma. I've had all of them since late summer, and recently two of them laid eggs! It's the first time any of them have done so, however...
  3. BichirQueen

    Where to find Cichlid eggs.

    Yeah. Okay, well my biology professor emailed me last night asking where he could find Cichlid eggs for his developmental biology class. He said he was able to find them in the past but not now, so I decided I would help him and do some digging. Any ideas?