
  1. I

    Chickem Heart Feeding For Fish

    Guys, I Would Like To Know Your Opinions On Feeding Chicken Heart For Payara Armatus?
  2. A

    New Oscar fish wont eat.

    Me and my boyfriend recently purchased an adult oscar who had some scratches due to the sharp decorations the store had in the tank with him. We put him in our 90g already established tank with a canister filter. He is living with a sailfin pleco. We also added some bottled bateria when we added...
  3. N

    Feeding suggestion?

    Hi, I would like to ask for some advices from you guys about feeding. Currently i own one 6 or 7 cm long tiger barb who is still 2,5 years old. His tank mate which is also a tiger barb with similar size and age recently passed away. I think the cause is dropsy or air bladder dysfunction (i...
  4. E

    My Oscars a Pig

    I recently put an oscar and a endlciheri bichir in a 125 together, along with a few other cichlids. All of the other cichlids in the tank atm eat live black worms and shrimp, while i feed my Oscar and Bichir Silversides. Now the problem. My Oscar Never stops eating! After I give him a fish to...