
  1. OutbackJack

    Two HOBs and a canister filter?

    Unfortunately, I am one of those folks who didn't read enough before buying a canister filter. I now understand why you can't trust the "for aquariums up to XXX gallons". So when I got my 150 gallon, I bought a Fluval FX2 and it does okay. Water's okay but not as clean as I'd like. (Fortunately...
  2. S

    canopy plan for 20 gallon w/ HOB?

    I'm a newbie to fish keeping, and just got a 20 gallon tank. Problem is, my cat is big & curious and I'm worried he'll knock the lid off. Does anyone have plans/recommendations for a diy canopy? I need space for a HOB filter and something sturdy enough for a 15 pound cat to land on. Thanks!