
  1. T

    Betta with fungal infection

    My male veiltail betta has what I'm pretty positive is a fungal infection. I'm keeping him quarantined in warm water, (80 degrees) treated with salt and melafix. I'm also feeding him a mix of blood worms, hikari brand granules, and freeze dried shrimp flakes. He isnt looking any better, and it's...
  2. M

    LUNGFISH ILL-Museum of Natural History- please help, experts!

    Hello.. I am a research assistant in the ichthyology dept at the American Museum of Natural History in NYC. We have an aquarium behind the scenes, and we have 2 african lungfish, each in identical tanks. We have had them for years and there have been no problems until now. One lungfish is...
  3. K

    Melafix dosage

    Hello everyone, I have bottle of melafix 500ml. On the cover it say: 5ml for 50 US gallon. But i see the website it show Add 5ml per 10 U.S. SO which is the correct one?