rainbow fish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. S

    Why do rainbow fish get killed by african cichlids but giant danio dont?

    I cant keep rainbowfish as dithers with African cichlids. I can keep them with south American semi-aggressive convict Jack Dempsy Green Terror and salvini but not African clichlids they always end up dead. But Giant danio can go with anything and do fine. Is it because of the speed? I Thought...
  2. F

    oscars with rainbowfish

    hi! i was looking for some shooling fish to keep with my oscar in a 320 gallon tank with a lot of hiding spots, and i saw a video that cory made about dither fish, and in the video he mentions giant danios and large rainbows are great for oscars and other big chiclids, i have had success with...