stingray food


    Stingray pup Only eating live Worms

    Hi guys, I recently purchased a 4.5" motoro stingray pup and it's only feeding live tubifex worms (even the seller said they were feeding same), The first 2,3 days when I offered shrimp pieces it just jumped on it and chew 2,3 times and rejected it and it went to feed on live tubifex. I didn't...
  2. Y

    Just got stingray to my tank and not eating anything since after, its been 5 days.

    Hey guys I am a newbie. I got a moto stingray 4 inches , and its been 5 days since he has not eaten anything, i tried feeding them WA stingray sinking pallet, tetra bites, hikari mini pallets, live blood wormes & feeder fish. He is inactive now and body looks shrinking as well. Iam really very...
  3. Bigfishnut

    Best food?

    My female marble will eat literally anything I give her and want more. She's about 7 or 8 inches and right now I feed her a mix of tilapia, squid, spirulina brineshrimp, bloodworms, and small sinking pellets. I shred the meat and blend all ingredients together and give her about 1/2 teaspoon or...