
  1. B

    Tank minimum flow turnover ?

    Hi all. What is the desired turnover rate to achieve best water quality for a tank ? And what is the minimum turnover rate, be it big or small tank. I plan on keeping some slow flow, air breathing fish, and also some fish that require strong flow/current. I have a 900 liters tank which I plan on...
  2. D

    Turnover Calculations

    Hello Everybody, New to this forum, and loving it! So, I know there is a thread already about pumps and turnover rates. But I have been having some trouble with the calculations. I have a pump that pumps 800 L/H(211G/H?). My tank is a 15 Gallon... If calculated correctly. The dimensions are...
  3. viper0397


    I was wondering to make K1 most effective what kind of turnover should I have? Do I need like 3 turnovers an hour of maybe 10 turnovers an hour? First time using K1! Thank you in advance!!