yellow jacket

  1. nirmal

    New Breidohri and Freddy juvies ID confirmation

    Recently i ordered a couple of breidohri and friedrichsthalli. Its been close to a month and they are eating well. Now that they are about 2-3inches, im getting a bit doubtful about the ID, especially the breidohri. The breidohri seems to have red on the edges of the fins, which seems be...
  2. Sizzy905

    Aggressive cichlid tank

    I'm thinking of starting another 75 gallon tank, I actually wanna get a larger one but due to limited space now since I already got a 75 recently, I think another 4 foot tank is the way to go. I want to stock aggressive cichlids in this one. I really love jags but I know 75 isn't enough for...