Any larger crayfish/freshwater lobsters?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Is there any larger crayfish/freshwater lobster that can live with larger cichlids? I see some at my LFS but they are in jars or containers sometimes and I am unsure if thats to keep them safe or the fish in the tanks safe. They look pretty cool, especially the asian tiger lobster, but I dont wanna get one and then have my cichlids or arowana try and eat it.
Any info?

On that same subject, what about large apple snails? Will my big fish try and eat it?
Any info?

Thanks all!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2006
dude, you need to get a blue armed or long armed prawn. Macrobrachium sp.

As long as your cichlid is not a normal invert eater, these guys will hod their own. Have seen them as long as 10" body and arms another 12"+. Have heard they get even larger.

I had one with about a 6" body in with some big fish... did ok until one day while shedding he got caught in his skin and could not get it off... stuck in the exoskeloton... was essentially helpless and doomed, and my ray and fire eel massacred him!!!

anyway , these are a lot larger, tougher and more predatory than a crayfish.