I irwini Feeder Fish MFK Member Oct 8, 2005 #1 how to sexes them apart?? pics of my channa http://www.arofanatics.com/members/irwini/channaaurantimaculata/
how to sexes them apart?? pics of my channa http://www.arofanatics.com/members/irwini/channaaurantimaculata/
K kido Fire Eel MFK Member Oct 8, 2005 #2 i've heard that females are have more yellow in the belly and less spots.. yours is probably male
I irwini Feeder Fish MFK Member Oct 9, 2005 #5 dun tink there's a common name 4 it. izzit possible to see whether its a female at around 6inch long???
dun tink there's a common name 4 it. izzit possible to see whether its a female at around 6inch long???
J jelly Piranha MFK Member Oct 9, 2005 #6 Common name: Golden Cobra Snakehead. there are probably more but thats the one I know of. Good clear pics.
Common name: Golden Cobra Snakehead. there are probably more but thats the one I know of. Good clear pics.
PhullTank57 Blue Tier VIP MFK Member Oct 10, 2005 #7 Very nice pictures, Irwini! Not quite sure what sex your speciman?.. but my thoughts would be it a male. Your best bet would be to download this file from snakeheads.org and see for yourself. GL! http://snakeheads.org/aquaristic/species/aurantimaculata/sexDimorphism.ppt
Very nice pictures, Irwini! Not quite sure what sex your speciman?.. but my thoughts would be it a male. Your best bet would be to download this file from snakeheads.org and see for yourself. GL! http://snakeheads.org/aquaristic/species/aurantimaculata/sexDimorphism.ppt