Hi Everyone... Introducing myself and my ZZ - Tintu !


MFK Member
Male already dug a pit but it's a community tank so I don't plan on it right now but if they do I will grow them out. They paired the second they saw each other lol he's going around the female digging all mating signs.

I have some large fish in my tank though. My red devil wants her he keeps trying to be aggressive towards her but the male comes and scares him off.

very funny lol!!

the FH male guys really do not know how to flirt female lol,

I would keep the seperated in tank so that they can please each other, but if we dont have any plan to send fries or sell them, should not let them to breed, where would we keep the fries and they are very demanding.... lol


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 10, 2015
North Carolina
Nice looking little guy! Welcome to the group! Post more pics as he matures!
I got a thai silk pair in my 90 gallon
And a fader pair in my 15020150924_153528.jpg


Aquatic Aggression

Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Nov 1, 2011
Nice shortbody zz. Classic looking fish and he does have a water kok. The red color will spread with body growth. This fish is balanced perfectly so in this case a huge nuchal hump would be detrimental. It all flows together so well fins and body and head.
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Aquatic Aggression

Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Nov 1, 2011
I would get rid of this tank and get a traditional 29 gallon tank (30" length) and not worry about a 75 for him for a year. Shortbodies are slow growing and while he will appreciate the added length of the regular 29 gallon he will not need all the space of a 75 for some time.


MFK Member
I would get rid of this tank and get a traditional 29 gallon tank (30" length) and not worry about a 75 for him for a year. Shortbodies are slow growing and while he will appreciate the added length of the regular 29 gallon he will not need all the space of a 75 for some time.
Nice shortbody zz. Classic looking fish and he does have a water kok. The red color will spread with body growth. This fish is balanced perfectly so in this case a huge nuchal hump would be detrimental. It all flows together so well fins and body and head.
Thank you very much for the wonderful comments..! yeah, he looks kind of shortbody but I have feeling that he can be the mixed one.. Attaching the image of the parents.

Also, I liked the advise and will consider for the traditional tank for 29G. indeed, 75G would be not needed as of now..

Thanks again!!



MFK Member
Jul 13, 2005
Wow he is massive Piyush! What do you feed him?


MFK Member
Thanks bro! Well, he is not with me now, I had to give him up during my assignment back in India from USA.

Anyway, I fed him, green peas, fruits, freezed dried shrimp, bloodworm, tubiflex worms, hikari gold cichlid pallet, all food brands hikari.

Regular water change 25% weekly, with handful of salt (plain salt without iodine)... And he had been so healthy because of all this maintenance.. plus, I have a great results with Prime conditioner..

I imported Tintu from Thailand, a contact from FB.

Let me know if you need more information. Send some of your pet photos tooo... Regards, Piyush...