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Pulling Fry


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Hello everyone,

I have some T. Pasionis breeding in my 240. I want to pull some of the fry. When do you pull? As eggs? As wigglers? Once they become free swimming? Also, what's proven to be your best method for safe extraction?
I generally wait until there is a pile of wigglers and siphon them into a bucket or smaller container. It's good to leave a few fry with the parents to give them practice
Wrigglers are the easiest, using a siphon.
once they are free swimming, trying to get them out of a 240 will be quite the daunting task.
And beside parental practice, giving the parents some fry left to defend, can help keep the pair bond solid.
If all fry are removed, the parents can turn that spiked hormonal energy into aggression against each other
It is good to use minimal siphoning strength. Set your bucket high enough to accomplish this. Perhaps one to two feet below the water level of their aquarium.
I have a pair of Amititlania myrnae which simply do not care for their spawn well. So the eggs/fry do not survive to become free swimming. The pair become depressed in a non-community setting and give up on life. So, I was forced to remove the eggs to successfully breed them. The eggs always failed due to fungus until I used methylene blue and hydrogen peroxide. I discontinued the H2O2 after the eggs hatched and the methylene blue after the fry are free swimming.
Siphoning wigglers may require using treatment with something like methylene blue for a few days to prevent fungus.
I have pulled wrigglers and free swimming with out using meth blue.
It depends on what they spawn on. If they are laying eggs on something easily removable, I pull the eggs. Throw an airstone on them and hit them with MB. Otherwise, I would siphon wigglers. It really depends on what your goals are. If you are maximizing production the sooner, you pull the eggs the sooner they will spawn again. If you just want to watch a few grow up pull the wigglers and enjoy watching them get further through the process.