What are some of your go to pellet foods?

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MFK Member
Nov 6, 2017
That's funny, but it has some truth to it. Most freshwater fish are pretty resilient when it comes to their nutrient needs, unless they are under stress - then not so much. But marine fish, quite the opposite. Not that many years ago many marine species that are now commonly kept in captivity, and eating commercial food, were considered doomed in captivity.

I wrote the following several yrs ago.....

Kieron Dodds, from Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine wrote an article on the Moorish Idol in 2008, titled; "Still Impossible After All These Years - Keeping Moorish Idol". He clearly admits that the main intent of his article was to discourage anyone from acquiring this species, as at the time he felt this species has almost no chance in being kept alive in captivity beyond a very short duration.(as in a few weeks/months) At one point in the article he stated "Pablo Tepoot is perhaps the single individual who has had the most success with this species" Today, Pablo has tanks full of this species, all thriving for years.

Something that most people would have considered impossible 15 or 20 yrs ago.

Anyone can keep a Moorish Idol or Achilles Tang alive for a brief period of time, but very few manage to keep these fish alive & thriving for years. In the past, many hobbyists would treat these fish with a cut flower mentality, and simply replace them with a new fish when they withered away. Today, there are many hobbyists world-wide that have found that IF their fish are provided with an optimum diet, they too can keep these "doomed in captivity" species, for years.

This hobby has come along ways over the past 50 yrs, and I personally welcome anything that can improve someone's fishkeeping experience. Today we have a multitude of filtration methods & equipment that is offered the hobbyist, controller units that can monitor & control everything from the tanks temperature, lighting (with dawn/dusk/moonlight options), pH, etc., and high quality aquariums that come in all shapes & sizes. Even the species of fish now available to the average hobbyist is something that many fish keepers only dreamed about 50 yrs ago. The science of fish nutrition has also vastly improved from what we knew 50 yrs ago, and many myths & misconceptions from the past, have now been proven to be false.

It's also becoming more clear with each passing study that many of the health disorders that we see in both freshwater and marine fish are directly related to an improper diet. While certain foods may in fact keep a fish that's kept in a totally non-stress environment, healthy, place that same fish under any type of stress & that same food may fail miserably. The problem lies in the fact that when a fish does become ill, most hobbyists aren't going to be able to pin-point the exact cause, especially if it's nutrition related.
It does make a degree of sense especially here where most fish are tank bred for multiple generations, I could see the point for wild caught discus or something needing the ultra high end food.
Still from a business perspective I wouldn't have been happy if I was the manager and heard that from an employee.
I agree with the advances in tech and new species (mainly for you guys, not here in oz) advancing the hobby. But common sense, willingness to learn and not always buying the cheapest thing possible will always be an issue in any aspect of life no matter what the situation.


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
But common sense, willingness to learn and not always buying the cheapest thing possible will always be an issue in any aspect of life no matter what the situation.
Yes, this is very true.


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
Here is the video from their website.
We will see how the fish like it which is important because they need to eat it.
Also looked at this video

I take all info with a grain of salt even from so called “gurus” on the internet. I also think the bashing has to be considered with a grain of salt.
Pissing and moaning ? Lmaoooooooo aint that the pot calling the kettle black.

I want to try octohime. A buddy is sending me some this week. I'll let you know how it goes.
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MFK Member
Nov 6, 2017
It happened with me when I first tried nls a couple of years ago, most of my fish wont touch it or take it then spit it out. But after a lot of patience they got used to it
I was very surprised that different species reacted in such a different way to the same food. The angels would have kept eating until they died but in the other tank they sank to the bottom untouched. I thought the geos would pick them from the bottom but they just ignored them.

I wonder what would happen if you got say 3 oscars in identical tanks with identical maintenance regimes and fed 1 top end food, 1 average brand food and 1 feeders. It would be interesting to see the growth rates and lifespans over time. If anyone has enough $ , space and time give it a try and settle things once and for all.


MFK Member
Apr 14, 2018
A store local to me use to carry alot of Sera, small amounts of other food like nls. I went in one day for some 3mm nls and me and the owner started talking. He went on to say Sera was they only brand he would put above nls and that he imports in directly from Germany. I left shortly after that and order my nls from Dr. Foster and Smith. They have a new owner now and I believe he's a hikari fan since that's all they carry now.
Sera must be a high profit food for LFS. Back to Cory, I noticed he started carrying Northfin and he barely mentioned it once in one Livestream. Contrast that to Sera which he's made dedicated videos and talks about it often.

BTW, I'm not knocking Cory as I like his stuff and he did say that of course he's gonna push the stuff he carries. Just made me think of that when I read your post.

I'll say what I've said before, I'll give Cory credit in that he does seem to pass on a lot of products that companies want him to promote. I remember he ripped one filter that this company wanted him to sell (forgot the name, but the one with the heater inside the canister).


I dum care =]
Staff member
MFK Member
Jul 27, 2005
Disagreement is fine but you all need to cut this back and fourth or I am closing the thread. There’s an ignore button, it’s a beautiful thing.....
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I dum care =]
Staff member
MFK Member
Jul 27, 2005
anddddd thread done, thank you all and good night ‍♀
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