WholeSale boxes


MFK Member
Jan 21, 2009
Hi my MFK vendors.

I have currently a few boxes at wholesale price.

In Stock
2 boxes of 30\L114 $750 nice healthy quarantined. Size approximately 2.5 - 3.5 inches
Vermelho (super red) – Maues. M/L – 3-4″ $95

Coming soon from Peru.
I am trying to recover some money lost from one supplier over there.
If this arrives I should provide everything at cost plus shipping from Peru.

I just want to get my money back, if you have an interest in anything.
Please email me at Unungy@gmail.com

Cunchi Sirena (Black Fin Cat) Brachyplatystoma sp. 10 cm 10 1 10
Chaetosoma Tingo Red Chaetostoma sp. Red 8 cm 25 0 0
Cory Dalmata (Rio Tigre) Corydoras sp. 4 cm 30 1 30
Cory Manu Dotted Green Corydoras fowlery (M de Dios) 7 cm 20 1/2 10
Cory Fluorescent Orange Corydoras aeneus Peru Orange st. 4 cm 50 2 100
Tigrino Cat S Merodondotus tigrinus 7 cm 20 1 1/2 30
Jumper Cat Green Line Pirinampus sp. 12 cm 10 1 10
Angel Fish Dotted XL Pterophyllum scalare 6 cm 20 1 20
Chaetostoma Tiger Chaetostoma sp. (Aguaytia) 7 cm 25 2 50
Chaetostoma Pisqui Chaetostoma sp. (Pisqui river) 8 cm 20 2 40
Novia Bombero Iquitos Tatia perugiae 3 cm 100 2 200
Cory Dalmata (Rio Tigre) Corydoras sp. 4 cm 30 0 0
Angel Fish Common XL Pterophyllum scalare 6 cm 20 1 20

Note: I believe Vendors should work together and help each other when can.
I'll most definitely offer my help to other vendors if they need me, fee free to email me at Unungy@gmail.com
